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Sanoyea Pastoral Network Inc.
Concludes 2-day Spiritual Warfare Prayer


The Sanoyea Pastoral Network Inc. under the guidance of its founder, Amos P.G. Sackie, has conducted a two-day spiritual warfare prayer and tarry night in the district telling residents that the lack of growth and development in Sanoyea District has been attributed to the workings of satan amongst the citizens of the district.
The activities were held under the theme: “We refuse to be victims continuously” with bible reference from Isaiah 43:19-21.
He pointed that as the result of egotistical mindsets of the people, coupled with the lack of unity, love, and oneness of purpose, the people are victims of the benefits of progress and development.
Responding on behalf of pastors and churches at the gathering, Rev. Edwin Flomo, of the Sanoyea Lutheran Church thanked Rev. Sackie for again conducting another spiritual warfare prayer service for the district and its people.
In a related development 18 health workers were honored and certificated by the Network for their numerous contributions made in the midst of challenges.
Rev. Sackie admonished them to continue the hard work, remain committed and passionate with their callings.
On behalf of the honorees, Mother Philomina Flomo thanked the Sanoyea Pastoral Network and promised to do more.
The Network is focused on development and progress including the expansion of the Curran Lutheran Clinic, the pavement of roads heading in and out of the district and the construction of a state-of-the-art medical hospital.
Rev. Sackie used the occasion and called on sons and daughters of Sanoyea to always remember home, support development projects and noted that when this is done the district will become second to none in Liberia.
The Sanoyea Pastoral Network Churches and membership include Living Word of Jesus Christ of Rev. Amos P.G. Sackie, Dixville Monrovia; Pastor Amos Saul Barlingar of Christ Generation Temple Monrovia, Rev. Edwin Flomo, Sanoyea Lutheran Parish, Pastor Amos Sangbe, Zion Healing and Deliverance Ministries and Mother Annie kollie Halliakemeni Church Inc. as well as Pastor Joseph Sherman of Friend of Jesus Christ Center, New Georgia Estate Monrovia.
The program ran from January 6-7, 2022 and took place at Curran Memorial Lutheran Church in Bong County.

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