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Samora’s Nomination To LRA Intensifies


By Bill W. Cooper
With less than a month to the end of his presidency, President George M. Weah has nominated Deputy Finance Minister, Samora Wolokolie, as Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.
As required by the Constitution, the Deputy Finance Minister for Fiscal Affairs, if confirmed, will replace the late LRA boss, Thomas Doe Nah, who occupied the position since 2020 before falling prey to death last month after a period of illness.
The appointment of Minister Wolokolie, who occupied the Deputy Minister of Finance position since the inception of the CDC government, now brings to two, the appointments by the outgoing President, with the nomination of Justice Minister as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court being the first.
Furthermore, the two latest appointments by the Liberian Chief Executive have since received huge criticism from the public, questioning the President’s nomination, describing it as an attempt to undermine the incoming administration.
With 20 days to the inauguration of President-elect and Vice president-elect, Joseph N. Boakai and Jeremiah Koung, all eyes are now gazed upon the Liberian Senate, whether Weah’s two nominations will be confirmed or rejected.
Meanwhile, the President has also nominated Alieu Massaquoi as Ambassador-designate to Saudi Arabia, pending the same confirmation by the Liberian Senate.
Samora Wolokolie is a practicing lawyer and a member of the Liberian National Bar Association, and has since worked in both the public and private sectors, accumulating to a little over 18 years.

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