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RRF Holds Land Conflict
Awareness In Sinoe


The Rights and Rice Foundation has ended a one-day centralized training for MSPs dream from the United Community Initiative (UCI and ABLOTEH) in Butaw District, Sinoe County.
The training brought together 23 persons; eight females and 13 males who were drawn from five communities namely; Tarjuwon, Numopoh, Nitrian, Du-Wolee, Karbada, Tubmanville and Butaw in Sinoe County.
The purpose of the training is to support capacity building of MSPs in land ADR and strengthen advocacy for women and youths’ participation in dispute mechanisms that promote social cohesion for sustained peace and development within the county.
Major topics that were discussed during the training include the Local Government Act, review of the GVL Concession Agreement and highlights of issues arising from land conflict which involves the mediation, arbitration and negotiation processes.
In the group’s presentation, women participants including the Head of the UCI MSP outlined key points of land disputes and land boundaries’ encroachment that generate conflict and the land dispute between the communities and the concession.
The participants were impressed for getting added knowledge and skills and they appreciated RRF and partners for giving more clarity on the MOU issues and they promised as a committee to do their best in representing their communities.

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