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Roving City Solicitor Quoi Appointed To Public Notary In Nimba


The Ministry of Justice’s roving City Solicitor, Stephen Quoi, has been appointed by President George Maneh Weah to serve as Public Notary in Nimba with immediate effect.

Speaking to this paper in Ganta, the newly appointed Public Notary Quoi thanked President Weah for his appointment and promised to work with the County Administrations in the discharge of his duty.

Speaking on the same issue, the Executive branch of Government appointee, Quoi, boasted that he will make sure that more revenues be generated for the government to carry out more developments in the country.

Nimba County contains nine electoral districts and is among counties that had lacked Public Notary since 2008.

Mr. Quoi has promised to sensitize the public about the importance of Notary of public documents on Community Radio stations.

Since 2013, many residents who sought public Notary had to travel to Sanniquellie 8th Judiciary Circuit Court before such document could be issued.

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