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Rigmarole In Gloria Scott’s Case …As Gov’t Wants Venue Changed Again


The Government of Liberia has had another change of venue in the ongoing alleged Murder hearing involving the former Chief Justice, Gloria Musa Scott, and other family members, which is set to begin today.

Defendants Gloria Musu Scott, Getrude Newton, Rebecca Youdeh Wisner, and Alice Johnson were charged with the crime of  Murder, Criminal Conspiracy, and False Reports to Law Enforcement Officials, in violation with of section 14.1, 10.4 &12.33 of the New Penal Law of Liberia.

In recent times, the Government filed a change of venue to the Criminal Court “A” and later filed Withdrawal of the Motion for Change of Place/Venue in the aforementioned cause of Action, reserving the right to refile if the need arises.

According to the new motion of Change of venue, the defendants were arrested, investigated and charged by the Crime Services Department (CSD) of the Liberia National Police (LNP) for the commission of the crimes consistent with Chapter 15, Sub-Section 15.5 of the Criminal Procedure Law, after the Special Grand Jury, after careful deliberation, found, established, and indicted the defendants for the commission.

Government furthered that since the gruesome murder of Charloe Musu on February 22, 2023, the case is being discussed publicly and critically within Montserrado County to the extent that almost every media outlet, print or electronic, has been discussing the merits of the case which is yet to be tried.

Government  applications explained  that submission for Change of Place/Venue of Prosecution is in line with Chapter 5, Sub-Section 5.7(b) of the Criminal Procedure Law and the Statutory

Laws of the aforesaid Republic.

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