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Representative-elect, Yekeh Kolubah’s Latest Outrage: The Same Yekeh Yesterday; The Same Yekeh Today


A Patriot’s Diary
With Ekena Nyankun Juahgbe-Droh Wesley

Montserrado County’s District 10, lawmaker, Yekeh Kolubah was irrefutably a thorn in the political flesh of outgoing President, George Manneh Weah. It made all the sense for Weah to be held accountable! Yekeh was hailed for his fearlessness. He gained famed for his courage to fight against the madness our governance system had occasioned due to incompetence, corruption and lawlessness. Yekeh’s critics frowned on his unorthodox approach to disruptive politics.

Representative Yekeh Kolubah remained unperturbed in spite of the CDC-led government’s grand design to withhold his wages for several months. All intended to bring him to his knees. He was unbending and unshackled! Yekeh’s advocacy has accordingly never been about any ulterior motives but the people’s interest.

Yekeh has argued variously that the Liberian people entrusted lawmakers with their mandate to serve and not to steal or misrepresent them. If his advocacy is surely about the greater good, it should indeed have no borders, boundaries and frontiers. The district 10 lawmaker vehemently maintains – it is aimed at an onslaught on a rotten system that ought to be changed radically. It should never be about an individual’s interest but the Liberian people’s – as he always vociferously articulates.

Sunday, as erratic as he is known to be, Yekeh hurriedly organized a press conference at his usual makeshift location in District 10. In his rants, Yekeh reckoned the source of President-elect, Joseph Nyuma Boakai’s recent donation (LD10 million and 200 bags of rice) to victims of the fuel tanker disaster in Totota, Bong County. Yekeh thinks rather than Joseph Boakai taking the path of outgoing President, George Weah to present pledges and gifts donated to the people on his behalf, it should instead be in the name of the Liberian people.

Representative-elect, Yekeh Kolubah strongly believes that in the case of the Totota fuel disaster, it was only befitting for President-elect Boakai to turn such donations over to a working group. A working group/committee? Nope! There is a National Disaster Management Agency or better still the Liberia National Red Cross Society in place to handle such an emergency. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Why is the no nonsense Montserrado County District 10 strongman so enraged in the early days when the government he helped to bring to power is yet to get seated? What we are seeing ahead of Joseph Boakai’s inauguration, literally suggests what we should expect in the coming days, months and years of the new administration’s six-year mandate. The same Yekeh Kolubah of yesterday; is the same Yekeh Kolubah today. Surely, if you stand for something, you are not bound to fall for anything though. Yekeh is the man of the hour.

But Yekeh seemingly made a startling prognosis of the soon-to-be-inaugurated – Joe Boakai administration. What was that? Yekeh confidently said, “Joe Boakai government will be more corrupt than the Weah-led CDC.” Should we have any reason to trust him? Yekeh ardently holds the opinion that the would-be makeup of Boakai’s Cabinet is sufficient basis to be concerned. We aren’t sure if Yekeh expects Joe Boakai to appoint ‘saints’ in his government. Perhaps though!

While Yekeh’s assumptions cannot be interpreted as a gospel in a politically-induced anti-corruption sermon, the likes of the District 10 Representative cannot be taken for granted. When Yekeh launched his vitriolic assault on widespread corruption in the Weah-led government, he was hailed by all and sundry. What is good for the goose must be for the gander.

It was the same Yekeh that we cheered on then. If we believed him at the time, we must have the guts to do so now. Yekeh’s intentions are good! He means well for his country that has been at the odds of mistrust and dishonesty at the behest of elected and non-elected leaders.

If the new administration of President-elect Joe Boakai must succeed, Representative Yekeh Kolubah cannot be taken for granted. Our country has suffered for far too long at the hands of successful rogues, faceless beast and heartless elements.

Our foreign partners especially the United States, have said that ‘corruption denies a population better life and elongates poverty.” We don’t give a damn as to how Yekeh Kolubah goes about denigrating alleged thieves. In Yekeh’s right frame of mind when public officials do what is honestly appropriate and correct – he would have no business descending on them.

Lest we forget, it is those who genuinely and consistently attack the ills of society for the greater good, that are considered patriots. This time, like before, Yekeh continues to espouse patriotism, honesty, integrity and transparency. Boakai democratically booted Weah out because of corruption! Those who campaigned assertively must realize that managing this expectation would require sincerity and nothing short of that.

Ekena Wesley
Delaware County, PA
Email: [email protected]
“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. – Che Guevera

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