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Rep. Cooper Urges GMLC To Remain Focused On Charity


By Precious D. Freeman
The Representative of District 5 in Montserrado County, Prescilla Cooper has urged members of the Greater Monrovia Lions Club (GMLC) to remain focused on charity.
She said that the GMLC being the oldest humanitarian club in the country has made several interventions in the lives of the physically challenged including the underprivileged and other individuals in the society.
Serving as the keynote speaker at the induction Program of Officers-elect of the club in Monrovia, the Momtserrado County District 5 lawmaker reminded members of the GMLC to continue their charity work because there are many people in the society who are craving for their services on a daily basis due to unforseen, natural and or man made disasters.
Representative Cooper further cautioned the membership of District 403A2 to consider love as the motivating factor to giving back to the society saying that it brings smiles, hope and even change the conditions of those affected.
She then called on those whom she referred to as being blessed by God to also share with their neighbors adding as you give, God gives back in abundance noting that every good that anyone does is indeed always remembered.
In retrospect, she pointed out that she became victorious in the 2023 Elections due to her parents’ goodness to people in the communities, stating that she met people during the campaign activities who told her that they would vote for her because of her father’s kindness.
“Do good because it’s good to do good and be there ready to fill in the gap,” she advised the GMLC Members.
The president-elect of the GMLC, Lion Bobby Livingstone intoned that his team is going to work with other clubs in an effort to build upon where his predecessor ended in order to promote Lionism and make a mark.
He then assured the Governor of the District 403A2 Lions Clubs International, Lion Clemenceau B. Urey that the GMLC Membership will work assiduously so as to support his vision for the Lionistic Year ‘2024-2025’.
According to him, they will be partnering with the Monrovia City Corporation for the deployment of cabbage bins in Monrovia and its environs.
For his part, the District 403A2 Governor, Lion Clemenceau B. Urey said that he is confident that they are going to succeed during their administration because GMLC now has a robust and energetic president as well as dependable and passionate members.
Governor Urey however urged them to be focused on recruiting new members because the International president, Fabricio Oliveira has mandated the increment of the organization’s membership to 1.5 million and as such, he calls on people of good will and professional organizations to establish Lions Clubs within their settings.
Those who were inducted for a-year term are, Lion Bobby F.W. Livingstone, president, Lion MaaKai Amblard, Region 34 Chairperson including Lion Asatu Bah-Kenneth, Zone 341Chairperson, Lion Benedict F. Sannoh, 1st Vice president as well as Lion Romel Giddings 2nd Vice president amongst others.

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