Reasons For The Re-Election Of Hon. Joseph Momo Matthews, Jr., Representative Of District 3, Gbarpolu County
Women empowerment program; upon taking office in 2018, having been concern about the welfare of women, the Honorable office have had engagements with women in every clan to get involve with the production of bens, cassava, peanuts as a startup agriculture project, etc.
In 2019, the office of Hon. Matthews officially launch the Village Saving and Loan Association Program (VSLA) in which 1,271 women benefited from the association intensive Village Saving and Loan (VSLA) training for a period of 30 days with 40 women groupings setup. This program was officially launch with an initial amount of LRD1, 000,000 with the theme: Supporting Women’s Ability to succeed and Advance Economically. This program today has enhance the capacity of women in the management and saving of finances. Today our mothers and sisters are heavily engage in vegetable production, swarm rice production, fish pound, etc. Also see Rep. Matthews Outlines Achievements
As a result of our consistent engagements with the Food and Agriculture Organization-FAO, the construction of a poultry farm for the women is underway in Gbarma Town, District 3 in Gbarpolu County.
Today, out of 73 Electoral Districts, District 3, Gbarpolu County is registered as a Corporative Entity, by the Cooperative Development Agency (CDA)-namely: Gbarpolu District 3 Women in Agriculture and Micro Finance Cooperative Society LTD.
The office Matthews also provided 1000,000 for the production of soap making in towns and villages as a continuous effort in empowering women through self-productivity.
Education Assistance
Matthews being cognizant of the importance of education, he leased a five bed rooms building in Tubmanburg City, Bomi County to enable students have free access to the facility and provide free tuition to students attending the Bomi Community College (BCCC) for over a period of five years. The office of the Honorable provided entrance fees for over 160 students to sit for the UL entrance and provided assistance to students attending other universities/colleges.
In order to enhance efficiency in the education sector of our District, his office sought the assistance of an oversea United Kingdom (UK) base city organization “Money for Youth” which provided professional training for instructors, specialized training for teachers from both Gbarma and Kongba, in classroom management, lesson plan preparation, and training to help enhance the efficiency in students productivity. Participants were officially certificated while assistance was given to volunteers teaches as well.
Matthews provided a full furnished computer lab to the Gbarma Central High School, since its inception, with 10 computers, generator and other assorted materials.
Matthews provided financial assistance to the Rock of Jesus Foundation School, the only public school in Saw Mill to avoid the closure of the school which has a total student’s population of 176 students so as to keep it functional.
Health Sector
Matthews being concern of the health of his people he provided major assistance to the sector. To name a few, Modern Delivery beds modern patients bed, drugs, assorted medical and non-medical materials and by extension provided assistance to air lift, professional medical Doctors to do minor surgical outreach in Rural parts of the district Matthews also provided to children through circumcision and Kongba District.
As a result proper representation, Matthews made a passionate plea to the President during his County Tour for financial assistance for the completion of the Normon Clinic which was done through the County Health Account with (US$50,000) deposited.
Assistance to Storm/Flood Victims
As a direct result of the floor disaster in Weasua Town which resulted to making our people homeless, the Honorable office was able to provide 15 bundles of zinc, LD50, 000 and 20 bags of rice initially. As the second storm hit again, the lawmaker office again provided 50 bundles of zinc with other assorted items to meet the needs of his people. As a direct result of the Honorable oversight, the office surge the intervention of the National Disaster Management Agency for additional assistance in which 80 pieces of mattresses and 40 bundles of zinc were given by the National Disaster Management Agency for the storm victims.
Construction Work
Matthews has constructed Town Halls, Market building, Mosque, Youth Centers etc across the district.
Matthews provided materials for the construction of the Duosah Bridge. He also advocated for the construction of the Jenemana Bridge which is of great importance to both Cape Mount and Gbarpolu Counties.
Matthews’ office has provided huge assistance to various communities to enhance food security and reduce poverty by providing farming tools and financial aids to various communion farming.
For road rehabilitation, Honorable Matthews provided four power saws to the four clans of Kongba District along with other assorted materials.
Matthews also provided 20 bundles of zinc and nails for the construction of the Joseph V. McGill Public School in Zuie, Kongba District.
As a direct result of proper representation and responsible oversight, the office of Matthews advocated and ensure that all major towns in electoral District 3, Gbarpolu County, namely; Gbarma, Zuo, Yangaryah, Tarkpoimah, Smith Town, Ballah/Bassa, Weasua, Gbeleeta, Tima Town, Beaden, Mbarma, Camp Alpha, Kungbor, Zuie, Normon, Jawajeh are fully connected with communication network towers under his watch as an integral member on the committee of “Post and Telecommunication”. In continuation of his oversight, since the inception of Youssef Diamond Mining Company (YDMC) operations in Kongba District over 12 years now, Matthews oversight responsibility ensure that YDMC for the first time paid 2% of her exploration budget as required by law to the people of Kongba through Camp Alpha in the sum of US$157,000.
As a direct result of Matthews’ oversight responsibilities, he ensured that the logging company do the bridges with concrete pavement, and that the road construction reach the District Headquarters, he also instructed that the Road and Bridges specification must meet the standard of the Ministry of Public Works.
As part of Matthews’ oversight responsibility and sound leadership ability, he continue to advocate for the peace loving people of Camp Alpha to have an adjustment of the boundary line between Camp Alpha and the Gola National Park at the Pamayah River for the peaceful co-existence of the park Management and the peace loving people of Camp Alpha.
As a direct result of the President’s visit in Gbarma, Matthews advocated and ensured the construction of a modern market building for the women and ensured the instillation of street lights in Gbarma Town.
As a result of the mutual respect that exist between Matthews and the Kongba District Development Association (KONDDA) leadership, which has been in existence for over 30 years, KONDDA can proudly speak of a functioning bank account today.
Matthews provided Solar Street lights to various communities around Electoral District 3.
As part of Oversight Responsibility Matthews led the process for the peaceful resolution of the 2018 conflict that existed between the people of Zuie and the people of Kungbor Town with delegation comprising of: Larry Younquoi, Representative, District 8, Nimba County, Head of the Traditional Council of Liberia, Chief Zazan Kawor, William She, former Superintendent of Gbarpolu County, Elijah David, Statutory District Superintendent, Paramount Chief John Try, Paramount Chief McGill Wleh, Elder Blama Tuma, and Governor Foday Mallah amongst others.
The leadership of Matthews led to the peaceful resolution of the conflict; today the peace loving people of Zuie Town and the peace loving people of Kungbor Town are once more living in peace and happiness.
As part of our cardinal responsibilities, Matthews submitted bills to plenary “Seeking for the establishment of magisterial courts in Mbarma and Nomondatonou areas, Kongba District, Gbarpolu County.
Community Engagement
Matthews also convey the first ever citizens dialogue and acquaintance forum with cross section of citizens and eminent stakeholders from the district which was held at the New Water in the Desert Assembly on the VOA Road, Brewerville with Rev. Kortu K. Brown in attendance.
Matthews has proven a high degree of respect for the Cultural Heritage of our dear Mother Land. Whenever the need arises, we have never turn our backs to the cultural values which have kept us together for years.