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“Put Your Mouth To Where Your Money Is” …Says Korkpor; Admits To Financial Constraints In Judiciary

Chief Justice Francis Korkpor says if the court is the anchor of democracy, policy makers must understand that the way for the economy of the country to improve the lapse of judicial workers.
He also pointed that the judicial branch of government is being faced with several other challenges including the harmonization of workers’ salaries, lack of accessories, computers for court clerks, among other things.
According to him, the Judiciary will engage the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government to revisit the harmonization placed on judicial workers’ salaries, noting that the Judiciary does not get engaged in business pursuits because there is prohibition placed on them to do so.
Meanwhile, Justice Korkpor who is calling on the Legislature and the Executive Branches of Government to fully support the Judiciary explained that the rule of law should be felt not touched because it is intangible and as a result, its effect should be seen.
“I am saying here today, we make laws, we pass laws; sometimes we don’t look at the financial implications and we sit down and say the Judiciary is not performing,” he added.
“But in order to run a smooth working environment, attract more investors and have things flowing like it should, confidence must come to the economy, stressing that one must put their money where their mouth is,” the Chief Justice stated.
Expressing that the Judiciary is the only arm of government clothed with the responsibility of implementing the laws of the country, Justice Korkpor pointed out, “Laws are made in this country and the implementation is left with the judiciary but funds are not provided to be able to go through with it.”
Speaking at the close of 4th National Judiciary Conference over the weekend, Justice korkpor noted that the Judiciary is faced with financial constraints to adequately implement laws that are passed thereby entreating the government to provide the needed funds to make the work easier.
He maintained that the jury system which is cardinal to the Judiciary in passing out judgment has a new Jury Law but it is rolled out in only seven counties across the country.
“This law according to him, was passed in 2010 in order to fast track cases and solve problems within the system but, as it stands other counties have not been reached due to lack of financial support from the government,” Justice Korkpor revealed.
The Chief Justice stated that even in cases coming from those counties were the new Jury Law has not been rolled out makes it difficult for the Supreme Court to pass proper judgment on them which is a serious problem for the system, adding, “That was why in the past, some jury passed wrong judgments which affected not only the person being tried but the entire judicial system.”
“If today a case coming from a county were the new jury law has not been rolled out and a lawyer objects to it before the Supreme Court and say my client was not tried in keeping with the New Jury Law, what do you think will be the position of the Supreme Court? That’s a problem,” he expressed.
The Chief Justice said that the new Jury Law was established to properly assign jurors eligible for a particular case and by doing so, the National Jury Office was founded to carry out the selection of jurors and to assign them to cases based on the Law.
He also pointed out that issue raised from members of the business community doing the conference on the probate, commercial and debt court will be addressed, adding that these areas are key places where investors are mostly drawn to and cases should not be delayed as it is not good for the country.
Justice Korkpor however assured the conference body that resolution that was adapted during the week-long Judicial conference will be implemented and that by doing so, a committee will be set up, comprising members from all auxiliary arms of the Judiciary to ensure that the resolution becomes a reality.

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