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PUL Launches 2025 Membership Accreditation


The Membership Committee of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), under the leadership of Winnie Saywah-Jimmy, Managing Editor of the Inquirer Newspaper, has announced a robust and rigorous vetting of all applications for the PUL membership.
According to the committee, the process commences beginning today and ends in May, 2025 and that there will be no compromise in the enforcement of the Union’s Constitution and By-laws of the Union, and the Code of Ethics and Conduct for Liberian journalists and members of the PUL emphasizing that the similar launch of membership accreditation is expected to be rolled out into counties according to regions soon.
As the Union officially launches the policy regulation, effectively commencing the registration, professional accreditation, and accountability of journalists, media and communication practitioners, as well as media institutions in Liberia, the membership committee announced that the process is clear on considering those who are to be institutionally considered a professional accredited journalist, media, or communication practitioner governed by a professional body, journalistic and media ethics and code of conduct; to vote and be voted for in the crucial leadership elections of PUL; to attend and participate in PUL policy-making Congress; to participate in decision-making meetings of PUL membership; to benefit from institutional journalistic solidarity, protection, professional development, capacity-building, networking, welfare opportunities, social connections and entertainment activities.
While the policy is keen on who are to be appointed on leadership position and/or committee of the Union; to solicit funding to train or advocate for journalists/media/communication practitioners; to receive financial statement and comprehensive narrative reports of programs and projects implemented by the leadership and/or relevant committees; and not least, to receive the PUL prestigious annual awards as a true mark of outstanding work, high distinction, and quality journalism.
The launch of the policy regulation is the first in the most recent history of the PUL and addresses one of the key triggers and perpetuation of conflict in the Union regarding the granting of Full Membership rights to ineligible journalists and non-journalists, as well as the non-accountability of practicing journalists.
At a press conference on Tuesday, 18 March 2025, PUL president Julius Kanubah revealed that the release of the policy regulation was an important step to guide and advance journalistic integrity, media accountability, the rights of journalists, freedom of information, freedom of the media, and independent journalism.
Developed in partnership with the PUL Membership Committee with backstopping from media leaders and stakeholders, the policy regulation will serve to strengthen several core practices considering the official resumption of the registration and professional accreditation of journalists, media institutions and personnel.
Starting today, Wednesday, March 19, 2018, the process is intended to enforce of the Constitution and By-Laws, Code of Ethics and Conduct for Liberian Journalists and all Members of the PUL; enforce the adherence of a proper, systematic, credible and transparent registration, accreditation, and accountability of journalists and all members of the PUL; ascribe to secure the specification of rights regarding benefits and costs of being and not being a duly registered, professionally accredited journalist and member of the PUL.
While there is also inscribed a institutionalization policy on the criteria, and guidelines for the registration, professional accreditation, and accountability of journalists, media and communication practitioners, and all members, the PUL leadership also announced that the specification of the roles, powers, and responsibilities of the Membership Committee to receive, scrutinize and grant membership to applicants consistent with the PUL Constitution and By-laws, Code of Ethics and Conduct for Liberian Journalists and members of the PUL.
The policy also seeks to establish recourse mechanisms consistent with due process in the instant where an applicant for a specific category of membership is denied in part or rejected in whole; and eliminate fraud, thereby eradicating the emergence and perpetuation of conflict in the PUL regarding the production of the Membership Register.
Meanwhile, any journalist, media or communication personnel or institution failing to honor the annual membership registration and monthly dues payment of the PUL is designated as not in good moral and financial standing, thereby rendering such a person or institution as delinquent.
The PUL new policy regulation is consistent with Article 15 of the Liberian Constitution and Articles 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, and 19 of the PUL Constitution as well as all relevant sections of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for Liberian journalists and all other members.

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