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PUL Inducts Nat’l Media Council Members Today


The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) will on today induct members of its National Media Council.
Those expected to be inducted as members of the National Media Council are Roseline Toweh, Atty. Oscar Bloh, Cllr. Jeddi Armah, Rev. James M.T Jallah, Loretta Pope- Kai, Dr. Mory Surmaworo, Lawrence Yealue, Othello Tarbah and Euriah Togar.
The National Media Council is a self-regulatory body of the Press Union of Liberia established to uphold media accountability and professional conduct in pursuant to the Code of Ethics for Liberian journalists and internationally accepted media ethical standards.
The Council comprises of nine members who were selected from integral bodies representing the Media, Legislature, Civil Society, Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia, the Religious Community, and the Academia and charged with the mandate of hearing and mediating issues arising from journalism across Liberia.
Cllr. U-jay Bright, an expert on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has agreed to facilitate a discussion on mediation, negotiating wins, investigating independently, collating and analyzing evidence while Internews’ Media Law Specialist, Samwar Fallah will lead the revision of the National Media Council Framework.
Meanwhile, the Press Union of Liberia hold a day long orientation for those inducted at the iCampus in Monrovia.

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