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“Properly Appoint Acting Heads
At Gov’t Ministries, Agencies”
–NACSUL Calls On Pres. Weah


The National Civil Society Union of Liberia (NACSUL) says its attention has been drawn to the prolong delay by President George Manneh Weah to properly appoint heads at ministries and agencies in his government.
NACSUL named the Ministry of Public Works and other government institutions to include the Internal Audit Agency (IAA), the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) and Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA).
According to NACSUL, since the death of former Public Works Minister, Mabutu Vlah Nyepan, a little over a year, one of his principal deputies, Ruth Coker-Collins, has continued to act in the position; a situation the civil society group said must be corrected by President Weah.
The group said the death of Bartu Nyensuah led to his deputy, Clarence Williams, to act in his position; Alvin G. Brown’s suspension ascended Edwina Zackpah to the acting position and the dismissal of Bishop John Allen Klayee ascended Martin Hayes to the Acting Managing Director position.
In a statement issued on Monday, January 24, NACSUL’s president Amos B.S. Kanneh argued that the operations of government ministries or agencies are strangulated to some extent when the bosses continuously act in leadership positions as some of the decisions or transactions do not allow an acting boss to institute such mandate.
President Kanneh said since the appointments by President Weah as caretakers of these entities, they have shown the ability to conduct the affairs of these institutions with competence, professionalism and high degree of honesty.
The group is calling on President Weah to use his appointing powers to nominate them as proper heads to enhance the massive infrastructure developments currently taking place across the country.

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