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Privatization, As I A Professional Sees It … Will JNB, JKK Heed?


By Richard Manuba, Journalist/Sociologist
0770902967/[email protected]

So, a better way I see to begin is to firstly thank the people of Liberia for a peaceful conduct of a presidential and legislative election which was their democratic franchise as provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia, which is the organic law of the Country; proudly, Africa’s oldest (in terms of year of declaration of independence).

Now, you have a time frame awaiting the climax of your transitional period from one democratically elected government, to another. That wait may have its own matters of concerns based on my fellow compatriots on either side of the political divide, but, no matter what who thinks, the date is set and will surely come and that ceremony will happen in our fore glare, am sure with some international dignitaries on the ground to push varying partnership interests. Now, the meat of my opinion here as captioned is I am of the strongest conviction that our Country named Liberia by whoever, has had one of its paralysis which I think we should not be remiss of admitting as true patriots, if we were.

From research I have made a few years ago now, right here and regionally, which I could have even externalized, the Government of Liberia, which we fondly refer to as GOL, has, in post-war Liberia, proven a high degree of inability to APPROPRIATELY, ADEQUATELY, give to the Liberian people, excellent services in the scrupulous running or operations of a good number of its public utilities, or functionaries. In specific terms, kindly permit me to hasten and say, my Article’s concern is a MAJOR RECOMMENDATION to soon-to-be sworn in President, H.E Joseph Nyumah Boakai, that from my vantage point as a ‘socialprenuer’, the way to go for Liberia is to open arms to privatization of our public utilities.

Inquisitively, as I am as well, if you wanted to hasten my inquest in this regard, the answer is, as a patriotic Liberian citizen, I am entreating the incoming government of H.E Joseph Nyumah Boakai, to put up a bid for companies with global track records to take over the running of the government’s school system which we refer to as the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS), the National Transit Authority (NTA), which always has this perennial issue of lack of spare parts, alleged corruption on the part of Management, etcetera.

Additionally, the Government of the Republic of Liberia has proven serious laxity in ensuring proper and required operation of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC). Arguments may arise here, but in my knowledge-base, why are foreign partners or donors the heroes and heroines of making your electricity situation know an appreciable degree of stability, if, you, as a government, was one hundred percent able? Hats off to our donor partners in this regard. Now, if you were to put up a bid for power-oriented companies to apply to run this LEC which has several nicknames in this Country [Liberia], you will see the interest generated from here and abroad. This way, the winner of the bid pays into government’s annual revenue envelope, assuredly with a commitment to be duly monitored and deliver excellently on professional service.

I am particular about these recommendations because I want the Liberian government focus on its development agenda of roads construction, agricultural buoyancy, foreign direct investment (FDI) through the Ministries of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), with Justice Ministry being the advisor in this regard, and other core-administrative function priority areas.

During my years of service with the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE), I came across educational institutions who are private sector actors presently here providing professional services. Sorry, I would not name any of them for professional reasons but folks at LACE presently know them, so, if any doubt was running to you, you could just make a contact there. My fellow compatriots, see our government school system today under MCSS Superintends? How appreciable is it? I leave that answer with you as a true patriot, as though you were like myself.

Conclusively, please know that a Chinese business magnate currently operates the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex (SKD) Hotel, named, Golden Gate. I was an ELBC Reporter, when that deal was consummated. Isn’t that privatization? Now, the last on my plate is the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC). Mr. incoming President, your Excellency, Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Liberia has, and is still experiencing a serious inability and incapacity problem in this arena. As my pen rests a bit, I kindly and humbly need your consideration for the LWSC to be privatized. International companies or corporations will bid, bring in fresher ideas and energies to revamping the water pumping system across several communities in this country.

Congratulations on your victory as Liberia’s next President, and thanks for sounding patriotically every time.

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