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Presidential Road Project Halted In Nimba


Solomon T. Gaye Sr.
Nimbaians are seriously concerned about the alleged abandonment of the 39 kilometers Ganta to Saclepea Highway; one of President Weah’s 2017 campaign promise. The government-funded project is being carried out by the China Chongquing International Construction Cooperation (CICO).

Workers of the company mainly those doing the civil work like construction of bridges and culverts along the highway have all left the site and are sitting in Yarsonnon awaiting order from CICO Management.

Speaking to this paper, William Teah and James Paye expressed their concern about the delay in the implementation of the project as they want to know the cause of such unprecedented situation.

They said there is a need for the public and Nimbaians in particular to know the cause of the delay in the implementation of the project is. The 39 km road is in two phases-from Ganta to CMC Junction is phase one while from Flompa to Saclepea is phase two respectively.

Since the company stopped works; local authorities seeking reelection of President George Weah remain tight-lipped over the information regarding the delay.

During a normal routine traveling from Ganta to the company operation site in Yarsonnon Town in Electoral District Eight, trucks were seen in convoy carrying crushed rocks going toward Yekepa.

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