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President Weah Urges Citizens To Accept Elections Results

President George Weah a forth night ago called on everyone to accept the elections’ results as announced and join together to move the country forward in peace and prosperity.

The Liberia leader before departing the country on yesterday to witness the swearing-in of his counterparts in Cote d’ Ivoire and Guinea respectively on a third term mandate said, “These elections represent a major victory for democracy in the country and have significantly enhanced our democratic credentials and affirmed our support for the rule of law.”

He also thanked the National Elections Commission’s leadership and staff for what he termed as an excellent job in organizing, conducting and reporting on the mid-term elections pointing out, “It is important that credits should also be given the leadership of all participating political parties for taking initiatives to admonish their respective partisans to remain disciplined and orderly throughout the elections process.”

“Liberia as a nation and we as a people are the ultimate winners and beneficiaries of this peaceful exercise and as President of Liberia, I extend my personal congratulations to all prospective winners; with the voting now over,” the CDC political leader acknowledged.

“As they join the governance structures of this country in their respective legislative capacities, they will not only well represent the hopes and aspirations of their various constituencies but work collectively in the best interest of the Liberian people,” Pres. Weah stated.

However, before the just-ended elections, Pres. Weah said having more CDC senators serve in his government would make it easier for the presidency to have its legislative agenda which is development oriented consummated and passed timely and seamlessly at the National Legislature.

Though the CDC first partisan quest was for all his partisans to have emerged victorious across the country, Weah stressed particular individuals among which was Bong County Senator Henry Yallah whom according to him, he worked together with while in the Senate.

“He is a good and respectful gentleman. I want you to ensure that we re-elect him on December 8,” President told the electorates as he did similarly in Grand Bassa County for Gbezohngar Findley and Ivar Jones of Margibi County.

Meanwhile, President Weah also promoted a “Yes” vote for all propositions of the Referendum, stressing that it is good for the country and the children who are being denied the right to citizenship.

He explained that Liberia stands a better chance to reap politically, socially and economically from granting citizenship to thousands of citizens in the Diaspora, most of who are disciplined in different fields of life and want to contribute their expertise to the growth of Liberia.

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