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Police Must Ensure Public Safety Always


A DEVASTATING ACCIDENT was witnessed on Slipway Bridge when a sewage truck, apparently experiencing brakes failure plowed into a motorcyclist and his passenger, leaving a gruesome scene.
WITHOUT RECOUNTING THE terrifying moment, the truck driver reportedly fled the scene, in apparent fear of the swelling crowd’s reaction.
THE DRIVER’S ESCAPE only fueled the anger of onlookers, particularly among fellow motorcyclists, who swiftly blamed the police officers for causing the accident by stopping the rider at a crucial moment of distressed alarm.
FIRSTLY, WE JOIN the many sympathizers, friends and the leadership of the motorcycle union in expressing our condolences to the family members for such irreparable tragedy.
FOR US THIS was not just an unfortunate event it was a preventable tragedy, one that exposes the reckless disregard for road safety by truck operators, the negligence of vehicle owners, and the questionable actions of police officers under circumstance of glaring approaching danger.
LET THE WORDS go forth that vehicle inspection should not only be rigidly tilted towards commercial vehicles and commercial bi and tricycles but inclusive of all vehicles under our laws.
IF OUR VEHICLE inspection exercise is truly meant for public safety, clearly identified un-roadworthy vehicles, including trucks with faulty brakes should have no place on our roads, yet time and again, we witness deadly accidents caused by defective trucks, leaving citizens in grief.
IF THE NARRATIVE must change, the government must take decisive action to enforce strict maintenance regulations and hold truck owners accountable for putting unsafe vehicles into circulation at the sad neglect of the population.
IN THE SHARED spirit of accountability, we first and foremost, call for the examination of the role of the police officers before the disaster struck.
WHILE WE RECOGNIZE that vehicular inspection for a probable cause falls within the routine duty of law enforcers, we call on the law enforcement agents to exercise better judgment in their enforcement duties, prioritizing public safety over bureaucratic procedures, especially where danger seems eminent.
IT IS CRUCIAL that this issue be addressed quickly, because if left unchecked, we will continue to witness such tragic and unnecessary loss of life which leaves the consequential result of public anger leading to wanton destruction of properties thereby eventually threatening national security.

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