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People’s Restoration Party’s Acting
Chairperson In Court For Forgery


By Grace Q. Bryant
The Liberia National Police has charged the Acting Chairperson of the People’s Restoration Party (PRP) for Forgery/Counterfeiting, Obtaining Deceptive Writing, Criminal Facilitation and Criminal Solicitation.
The Party’s Public Relation Officer, Alexander C. Zharn filed a complaint to the LNP on April 13, that some members of the party to include Lusu Togbah whose names were on the attendance list with the signs purporting to be their signatures without those clients.
Mr. Zharn accused the Acting Chairperson of having vast knowledge about the said crimes.
According to the complaint, the party has been battling leadership crisis for which the National Elections Commission (NEC) mandated the party through its organization committee membership to host a convention to resolve all matters.
The Acting Chairperson submitted to NEC an attendance sheet with 16 organizing committee members and six non-committee members justifying a meeting which was held on March 22, 2022.
Suspect Yarkpah narrated that they met at the NEC on several occasions trying to resolve their differences until NEC finally rule and mandated on March 16, 2020 that within twenty (20) days the party should have its convention or otherwise face the penalties with the New Elections Law.
He furthered that based on the organizing committee of the 45 members constituting delegates from the 15 counties for the convention, the acting Chairperson added that the body was informed about the meeting and people who faced constraints communicated about the outcome of the planned meeting.
He furthered admitted that Madam Togbah was not present but her name was placed on the attendance list but the accompanying signature did not match
The convention was held successfully despite the orchestrated and sinister delay from the matter of which they report to NEC from the convention proceedings have completed, transmitted and accepted.

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