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PAYOWI, Partners Climax 16 Days Of Activism


The Paramount Young Women Initiative (PAYOWI) joined other partners to climax the 16 days of activism against Gender and sexual base violence under the ‘We are unprotected’ campaign.
PAYOWI during the activities, played a crucial role by highlighting some of the challenges confronting women human rights defenders and survivors’ rehabilitation.
During the climaxing of the 16 Days of activism, women human rights defenders shared their experiences and challenges in handling most of those abuses against women and girls.
Some survivors also shared horrible experiences and recommend to policymakers and government at large what should be done in eradicating this menace in society.
Placards were being carried by women and some of its reads, together, let us build a Liberia where every woman and girl can live without fear while others said, no sex for grade and stop sexual exploitation among several others.
The Assistant Gender Minister Laura Golakeh said, government through the Ministry of Gender Children and Social protection has joined other partners to fix the system together.
According to her, her Ministry will also collaborate with CSOs and women Human Rights defenders to work together in reducing gender and sexual base violence.
The Ministry will further work to increase Women political participation and employment in order to eradicate violence against women and girls
Madam Golakeh added that her ministry has developed a road map on gender base violence to know the challenges and ways forward assuring, “We will make sure to take our cases to court by building good evidence and having our call center active.”
At the end of the program, five separate petitions were read followed by the letting of a candle in memories of those who lost their lives through gender and sexual base violence.

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