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PAW, Samuel Grimes Initiative End
Addiction Counseling Training


The Samuel Grimes Initiative for at-risk-youth under the patronage of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. (P.A.W) has ended 10-day drugs and substance addiction counseling training at the Kakata Community College, Kakata, Marigbi County over the week end.
Addressing over 80 participants on the campus of the Samuel Grimes Institute on the Kakata along the Bong Mines Road at the close of the training the Diocesan Bishop of the West African Council of the 35th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. P.A.W. expressed satisfaction over the manner at which the training was conducted.
He said statistical report from the Ministry of Health shows that over thousand youths in the country are addicted to drugs and substance abuse, adding that Liberia is seriously plagued with the problem of drug addiction.
Bishop Simpson noted that something must be done to deal with this threat and reduce its prevalence which should not be left with government, but all Liberians point out that the country is sitting on a time bomb.
He said since the Liberian civil crisis ended, the increase in the consumption of illegal drugs have sky rocketed and those involved are neglected by families and friends and as a result of this appalling conduction they find themselves and as such, all Liberians should attach importance in reducing it speed amongst the future generation of the motherland.
In a related development, Bishop Simpson announced that a 25-member delegation is expected in country soon from the USA as guests of the Samuel Grimes Initiatives center.
He also told reporters that renovation work of structures on the campus will take effect as of the week under review and in a not too long distance future work will be completed.
This high power delegation will be led by his daughter who is the brain behind turning the Samuel Grimes from academic activities to a now rehabilitation center for at-risk-youth in the country.
The facilitator, Adam M. Kyne who is the Executive Director of the A.M. Kyne Collegate Resource Center that is also partnering with the P.A. W. Organization said thanked God for the Devine connection.
He said drug addiction is a brain disease and if its victims are not given the necessary therapy and treatment foro this mental disorder, the victim may not be restored; which he said, could create another generational gap.
He noted that drug addiction poses serious threats to the youthful population of any nation and that there is a need to alleviate the problems across the country.
Speaking on behave of the participants Rachel Martor and Tervor T. Siafah extolled Bishop Dr. Simpson and facilitator Kyne for the opportunity and knowledge acquired and promised to work with victims and restore hope.
The participants were later taken on a guided tour to the Samuel Grimes facilities which include offices and sites where the counseling will be held.

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