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PAW Conducts Mass Wedding


Since founded in the 1930s, the Liberian West African Council (35th Episcopal District) Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. has for the first time carried out a mass wedding of its ministers in a history-making fashion.

The occasion took place on February 9, 2024 at the Have Faith in God Church on Front Street, Monrovia, before a record crowd of well-wishers and family members that graced the occasion.

Two ministers and two district elders presiding over churches across the country within the PAW formation in Christendom came full circle in ministry through the exchange of vows.

Though these ministers have lived with their spouses for years by means of customary and traditional norms, they realized that marriage ceremony and preparation must never show disrespect to God and or compromise the dignity for the church.

As a result, they were under obligation to take their spouses to the altar, fulfilling God’s holy sacrifice.

Minister Paye B. Nukolo of the House of Prayer, in Bong Mines, Bong County, took the hand of Sister Malvina Sarwee, while Minister Junior Flomo of Greater Light Apostolic Church, Cassel farm, Margibi County, took the hand of Sister Sarah Farniah.

Also taking their partners to the altar were District Elder James K. Kollie of New Life Pentecostal Church, Wensue, Bong County, who wedded Sister Nenkpeh D. Morris, and Elder Emmanuel Simujla of the Cavalry Church of Hope Apostolic Manshansue, Lower Bong County, took the hand of Sister Fatu Simujla, before well-wishers and family members that graced the marriage ceremony.

The Diocesan Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the world Inc., Bishop Leo M. Simpson, performed the exchange of vows.  He encouraged and reminded the couples the guiding principles or values of marriage and referenced I Corinthians 13:4-7, which, according to him, spoke of being kind hearted to one another.

He said, marriage is too serious of a matter that it should be thoughtlessly and irreverently executed. It must be advisedly entered into the fear for the Almighty god, for the very reason for which God established it and blessed it.

Bishop Simpson once again reminded the couples that love is patient, not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and that the wife be faithful to the husband and the husband to love his wife.

He said love does not keep record of wrongs or envy, it does not boast nor is it proud, and not crude, non-self-seeking and not easily angered, but at the sometime protects always, trust, hope, and perseveres.

At the occasion, the first lady of PAW and first District Elder of the Council thanked the couples for the board step taken and prayed that God grace and mercy will see them through.

She also expressed joy to see that in a not-too-distant future, these newly wedded wives of the ministers and district elders will soon join the PAW Ministers Wives Organization of the church for growth and development.

This event is historical and will go down the record books of the PAW family for the generations yet unborn, and also in Christendom.

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