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“Pattern Of Callous Attitude”
7-Yr Old Rape Survivor Family Terms Amb. Conteh’s Statement


Nat Bayjay has termed his boss’ statement on concerns raised about the abuse meted on the seven year old baby as a pattern of callous attitude underpinned by lack of any sense of humility and decency.
Bayjay having stood as a bruised father to make public the alleged multiple times rape of his baby at the diplomatic premises of the Mission in Abuja, Nigeria where he serves as Minster Counselor for Press said Ambassador Al-Hassan Conteh in apparent ca-hoots with some officials within the corridors of power in Liberia, particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has in the last eight months continue to design a strategy to employ the constraining legal term of sub judice as an alibi to suppress and silence the voice of the aggrieved family from publicly speaking.
“The statement by the Embassy of Liberia near Abuja only exposes more how the Ambassador’s posture reflects lip service to his so-called zero tolerance on rape as he would have a few to believe in his statement which evidently exposes the high degree of hypocrisy and partiality of Ambassador Al-Hassan Conteh in the rape case of our daughter,” Bayjay stated.

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