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NTA Ordered Close For Indebtedness To Thunder Bird


By Grace Q. Bryant
The Debt Court has ordered the closure of the National Transit Authority (NTA) for allegedly owing the Thunder Bird Corporation in Gardnersville the amount of US$105,202.33.
Judge James Jones’ decision was based on a complaint filed by the General Manager of Thunder Bird Corporation, Tony El Waw and all its corporate officers.

“YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to seize and expose for sale the Assets and Interest of National Transit Authority (NTA), represented by & thru its Managing Director, Hon. Herbie Teconbla McCauley,” Judge Jones mandated.

“DEFENDANT in these proceedings and if the sum realized therefrom be not sufficient, then seize their real properties until they shall have raised the amount of US$105,202.33 and if you cannot find assets of the said defendant, you are hereby further commanded to seize their properties or arrest their living bodies and forthwith bring them before any Judge of competent jurisdiction to be dealt with according to law unless they shall pay the money or show properties to seize and expose for sale in according with 1LCLR, page 235 – Section 44.39,” the court noted.

The court furthered, “And upon receiving from said defendant otherwise, said sum of money, you are hereby further commanded to pay over to the plaintiff herein the sum of money necessary to satisfy the judgment and reserve unto yourself the Cost of Court and expenses,” the court said.

“You will also make your official returns endorsed on the back if this Writ of Execution as to the form and manner of service,” the court concluded.

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