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NEC Tests BVR System


The National Elections Commission (NEC) Thursday held a demonstration of the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) system that will be used for the 2023 General Elections for representatives of political parties, civil society groups, and the media.
During the demonstration conducted by the Data Section, a mock exhibition of the BVR registration process, including the capture of biographical and biometric information and printing of computerized BVR card, was performed with a representative each of the political parties and civil society.
Speaking during the 2023 Bi-monthly briefing of stakeholders and Executives of political parties, NEC’s Acting Chairperson, Teplah Reeves, assured the public that the key dates for the 2023 General Elections will be followed to ensure compliance with the election laws.
A statement from NEC issued Thursday said the Commission will publish voter registration centers no later than two weeks before the day of the commencement of voter registration, pursuant to Chapter 3.2 (a) of the New Elections Law.
Cllr. Reeves also disclosed that the recruitment exercise for temporary staff for the BVR exercise is ongoing in the Phase 1 Counties; Montserrado, Margibi, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, and Bomi and final listing of qualified applicants will be displayed on the walls of the magisterial offices when the process is concluded.

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