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NEC Reserves Ruling In Bomi, G’ Gedeh Election Case …Reschedules Maryland

The Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission, (NEC) has reserved rulings into motions of appeals in the Bomi and Grand Gedeh Counties elections irregularities cases involving Senators Elect Edwin Melvin Snowe and Zoe Emmanuel Penneh respectively, and has rescheduled the Maryland County case of electoral irregularities involving Senator elect James Biney and H. Dan Morais.
The BOC took the decision today Monday, 18 January 2021 after final arguments between lawyers representing both the Complainants and resistance in the Bomi and Grand Gedeh counties cases.
The BOC in the first motion of appeal case today, CDC, by and through Alex Tyler verses NEC and Intervener Edwin Melvin Snowe ruled through its Chairperson Davidetta Browne Lansanah said following arguments by lawyers Amara Sheriff and Author Johnson, representing Alex Tyler and Attorneys Cephas Teewia, A. Teage Jalloh and Ebenezer Gibson, representing NEC the Intervener, the BOC will reserve ruling and serve notice to the two parties.
In the Grand Gedeh County motion of appeal praying for a re-run in Grand Gedeh County, involving Thomas Yaya Nimely verses Zoe Emmanuel Penneh, the BOC through Chairperson Davedetta Browne Lansanah said ruling into the matter will be reserved for a later date.
This was preceded by final arguments between Cllr. Jimmy Bombo, representing Zoe Penneh and Cllr. J. Laveli Supuwood, representing Thomas Yaya Nimely.
In the final motion of appeal case, H. Dan Morais versus NEC, and CDC, through James Biney, the BOC, through its Chairperson said matters into the case will be rescheduled soon for assignment.
Earlier, lawyers representing H. Dan Morais, Cllrs. Wilfred Sayer and Stanley Kparkllen after the case was called for hearing, asked the BOC will grant them their prayer, saying without the full transcribed minutes and documentary evidence it would be difficult to proceed with the case. But lawyers representing James Biney, led by Peter Kerkuleh and Charles Harris took exception to the BOC’s decision, saying this was a delay tactic by the complainants to further delay the matter.

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