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NaFAA Receives Fisheries Research Materials


The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) has received three separate fisheries research materials from the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), as part of research on their European Union-funded Communities for Fisheries project.
Making remarks Tuesday, December 19, 2023, when he received the fisheries research materials from EJF, the Deputy Director General of NaFAA for Administration, Augustine M. Manoballah, commended the NGO for the level of research done to compile what he termed as resourceful materials.
Manoballah assured that the materials would be used by fisheries technicians to enhance their work at NaFAA, and at the same time, commended authorities of EJF for their work within the Liberian fisheries sector.
The NaFAA Deputy Director General for Administration mentioned that EJF is significantly contributing to progress within the fisheries sector, specifically referring to the establishment and empowerment of the Collaborative Management Associations in some of Liberia’s coastal counties.
The three research materials turned over to NaFAA by its Program Officer, Augustine Fayiah, were titled “Leaving No One Behind: A community-based analysis of gender inclusion, and economic vulnerability in Liberia’s small-scale fisheries, Who Decides?
Stakeholders and network analysis of customary governance in small-scale fisheries of Liberia, and Taking Stock: Documenting the effectiveness of Co-management practice in Liberia.
Presenting the materials, Fayiah said the research reports are intended to serve as a go-to resource for technical staffers within NaFAA. He urged NaFAA to utilize the materials for its intended purpose.

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