The Director General of the National fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, (NaFAA) Emma Metieh Glassco is calling on Liberians to give President Weah a second Mandate as President of Liberia come October 2023.
Speaking on Friday, March 3, 2023 when she received the ‘Best Public Servant Award’ from the Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinions (CEIO), a Liberian civil society group, Madam Glassco acknowledged that President Weah has over the years placed confidence in young Liberian professionals, appointing them in key positions of trust.
Madam Glassco moreover said several of those young Liberian professionals are performing above expectations leading to the attraction of international funds to their respective sectors, thus impacting the citizens under the leadership of President George Weah.
The Liberian Fisheries Expert said the overall performances of those young professional Liberians in the CDC led government have inspired and set the standard for other Liberians who are determined to step up to the stage and make meaningful contributions to the development of Liberia.
At the same time, the Executive Chairman and the Secretary General of CEIO collectively declared that Madam Glassco has over the last five years demonstrated excellence in the discharge of her duties thus attracting huge international attention to the Liberian Fisheries sector.
Secretary General Dash Elliot and his Boss Chairman Adolphus Weah noted that Madam Glassco has for the past years has ‘sustainably managed fisheries resources and not squandering’ them, stating that her current work output can hugely attest to the fact that she has managed the sector professionally.
“DG Glassco is sustainably managing the Liberian fisheries resources and not squandering as seen from her work output locally and internationally,” the CEIO stated.
Chairman Weah emphasized that of all the appointments President George Manneh Weah has made since his government assumed office in 2018, Madam Glassco is among the best performing government officials that is executing the mandate of the Pro-poor government.
Speaking earlier, Secretary General Elliot said Madam Glassco and team have over the years performed magnificently to the contrary of their critics who previously claimed that they were inexperienced and were appointed to squander government’s fisheries resources.
He said Liberia’s international partners can attest to the fact that Madam Glassco is currently delivering as Director General of the fisheries sector which was dead over the few years due to the lack of a vision bearer in the name of Emma Metieh Glassco.
At the same time Elliot noted that CEIO’s award is extremely prestigious and enviable and as such they do not rush to in giving individual awards without proper vetting of such individual.