The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

NACSUL On VP Taylor’s Defense

The National Civil Society Union of Liberia (NACSUL) says its attention has been drawn to accusations that the Vice President, Jewel Howard Taylor, is shielding an alleged rape perpetrator, Magistrate Richard Flomo in Bong Mine, Lower Bong County.
Patrick Eastman, the host of the Friday, June 10, 2021 edition of Hot Morning-Live claimed that the Vice President, a cousin to Magistrate Flomo provided money for his release on bill while the rape victim is going through the trauma.
NACSUL said following its own facts-finding mission in Bong Mine, Lower Bong County, it is from all indications that Vice President Howard-Taylor was never involved with the court’s proceedings which is far above her jurisdiction.
The civil society group said its investigation further discovered that the Hot FM contacted the Vice President on the allegations levied against her and her exalt response was, “As an advocate and female role model, I am a spokesperson for victims of sexual and gender based violence. As a lawyer, I have and will never try to thwart the law. I hope my records of over 25 years will speak to who I am. Magistrate Flomo is an adult and a judicial officer who should be contacted on the surrounding case. I have no information and have and never will interfere in such case. It may be in the interest of good journalism to go to the 13th Judicial Circuit Court and get the facts. I am sure they will be given to you. Please do not drag me into this issue, I am not involved in anyway.”
NACSUL said instead of laying the issue to rest or going further to the court with jurisdiction over the matter, “The radio station chose to denigrate and malign the well-respected and humble character of Vice President Howard-Taylor either for selfish motive or just to bring the Honorable office of the Vice President to disrepute.”
NACSUL say it sees the deliberate action by the Hot radio talk-show host to have provided falsehood to the people in Liberia and the Diaspora as not only an embarrassment to the journalism profession but as well as dishonesty on his part as a media practitioner.
NACSUL in a statement through its president, Amos B.S Kanneh, described Veep Howard-Taylor as a female role model not only in Liberia but on the international scene where other women admire her works and desire to pursue the legacy of this astute female champion who is a gift to Liberia.
NACSUL reaffirms its commitment to the office of the Vice President in its advocacy and the fight against Sexual and Gender Based Violence against women, girls, and children in Liberia and the world at large.

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