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“My Quarantine Is Political” –Alex Cummings


By Bill W. Cooper
The political leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Alexander B. Cummings, who broke silence over an allegation that he refused to be quarantined described the public outcry about him being quarantined as only political.
Mr. Cummings had just returned from the United States of America (USA) where he had gone to attend a Board meeting.
According to Mr. Cummings, he as a political leader of the ANC and a member of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) who is law abiding and as such, he cannot do anything outside the protocols set up by health authorities for the safety and wellbeing of the larger population of the country.
Mr. Cummings clarified that upon his return home from the USA, he did encounter health authorities at the RIA where he was instructed to fill a form and his temperature was also taken and he subsequently drove his own car home; later he met another crew of doctors who to his outmost surprise informed him that a call had come in that he should not be allowed to be quarantined at his home instead be placed at a designated quarantine center.
The ANC political leader said he immediately complied with the doctors and was then taken at a quarantine center where he is presently and is being observed by health workers twice a day.
He indicated though he is cognizant of the fact that quarantine centers are not places for comfort but rather for observation and emphasized that the environment is good; he has access to both running water and electricity and assigned doctors who have been very professional in discharging their duties.
The ANC former presidential aspirant added that his temperature is being taken by nurses who are normally dressed in their protective suits twice a day both in the morning and evening but added, “I am just saddened by the fact that this government wants to politicize my situation when in fact that I did not refuse to comply with health protocols as it is being explained.”
He said even though the government is bent on politicizing his situation, his primary objective is to ensure that all Liberians are safe irrespective of their political affiliation or religious backgrounds in spite of the challenges that the country and the world at large are faced because of the coronavirus.
Meanwhile, Mr. Cummings said as opposition leaders, they will hold the government accountable every steep along the way, looking at the economic consequences of the coronavirus, stressing that the citizens are struggling every day long before the issue of the virus and promised that they will continue to pressure the government to workout modalities that will reduce the economic woes the country is faced with.

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