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Musu, Scott Family Decries Manipulation, Intimidation …As Police Summons Deceased’s Biological Parents


The ongoing investigation into the murder of CharloeMusu, niece of former Chief Justice, Gloria Musu Scott, has taken a dramatic turn, with the family alarming about an apparent attempt to harass, intimidate and manipulate the biological parents to take a hostile posture against Justice Scott.

A member of the family, Mr. Nathaniel Toe, disclosed that the police, on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, invited five family members including the biological parents of the late CharloeMusu, who have traveled from Maryland County, were taken to the Head Quarters of the Liberia National Police (LNP).

Toe said that three family members were duly questioned in the presence of their lawyers in continuation of the investigation process, but strangely, the investigators, for some minutes, in the absence of lawyers, attempted to manipulate the girl’s parents to make them a part of the investigation process.

The mother of the late CharloeMusu, Madam Lucy Musu also revealed that one of the investigators suggested that they take statements from them but that was rejected by the other investigator.

According to the two parents; Lucy Musu and Alphonso Musu, the officers started suggesting and implied that they go to the crime scene at the Virginia residence of Cllr. Scott to see how protected the house is.

Madam Musu said another investigator encouraged her to ask Justice Scott some questions about the death of her daughter.

The police investigators had earlier said that the invitation to Mr. & Mrs. Musu was intended to sympathize with them, but the account of the parents contradicts that narrative.

Police spokesman, Moses Carter further contradicted the investigators when he told the Thursday, March 23rd edition of the 50-50 Show on SKY FM 107.1, that the girl’s parents were invited and interviewed by investigators at the LNP headquarters.

Meanwhile, the family, through Mr. Nathaniel Toe, disclosed that even before the Wednesday, March 22 incident at the police station, they had heard that there were plans and attempts to intercept the girl’s parents on their way to Monrovia, for the purpose of polluting their minds against Justice Scott as part of efforts to validate the sinister theory that Justice Scott allegedly killed her niece, CharloeMusu.

The Scott and Musu family also disclosed that following the ruling; CDC’s public insinuated that Cllr. Scott knew about her niece’s death, and that CDC was going to Maryland County to identify the biological parents, but that the family had heard that certain operatives tried to prevent the girl’s parents from lodging at Justice Scott’s residence in Monrovia.

According to Mr. Nathaniel Toe, the family also heard about the alleged attempts to have lodged the parents in a hotel to be paid for by unidentified persons, with the intent to destroy the family’s unity and make the biological parents hostile and combative towards Justice Scott, whom the CDC leaders are accusing of being responsible for the girl’s death.

Mr. Toe also revealed that during the viewing of the body before the autopsy at the St. Moses Funeral Home on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the family noticed that the girl’s underpants (backings) had been removed without the knowledge of the family.

When the family asked why the girl’s underclothes were removed without their knowledge since in fact, the funeral home had denied them access to the corpse of their daughter on grounds that the police and the Ministry of Justice instructed that nobody gains access to the body; the funeral home’s staff admitted that they removed the underclothes.

Toe also disclosed that prior to the commencement of the autopsy, the family was only allowed to view the body from the front and the pathologist refused to allow them view the body from the back, but during the conduct of the autopsy, the pathologist turned the body over and around, at which time it was discovered that some plaits of her hair at the back of her head had been removed as well.

Representatives of the family in the autopsy room raised the alarm that part of the girl’s hair had been removed and that claimed the attention of all of the observers in the room.

Another member of the family, DwedeMusu, who also observed the autopsy, said it was at that point that the pathologist, Dr. Benedict Kulee instructed his aide to take a photograph of the body, particularly the part of the head where the hair had been removed.

Mr. Toe added that it was important that the family points out these interesting and scaring developments surrounding the investigation into the murder of their daughter, because it is becoming apparent that the ongoing investigation has already been concluded before it started, and that the investigators are doing everything to validate a script or narrative that has already been derived and concocted.

Toe called on the Liberian public and the international community to take note of what he termed as the compromised and politically-driven manner in which the police is conducting the investigation.

He said the family however reserves all rights to seek any logical and acceptable course of action under the law.

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