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Motorcycles, Tricycles
To Get Color-Code


The Liberia National Police and various heads of the Tricycle and Motorcycle Unions have agreed to put into place measures aimed at identifying motor bikes and tricycles by color coding them according to communities across the Montserrado County.
During the meeting, it was agreed that all motorbikes and tricycles will be color coded to be easily identified which will also control their movements. The exercise began as of yesterday, December 1, 2021.
It can be recalled that, early January of this year, the authority of the Liberia National Police named the Beer Factory to Monrovia, GSA Road to Monrovia for those coming from Paynesville, the entire RIA Highway, Monrovia to ELWA Junction and Freeport to Monrovia as no-go zones for commercial motorcycles.
According to the restriction, all commercial motorcycles were allowed to ply only via the Brewerville to Beer Factory, Paynesville Red-Light to Freeport ISI including its surrounding communities, Paynesville Red-Light to GSA Road intersections including its surroundings, from 540, Congo Town Back Road to 72nd communities. Go Zones for commercial Motorcycles include; Old Road to Catholic Hospital Communities, Matadi Estate to Jallah Town and Avenues in that location and Air Field Community to Varmoma House respectively.
Also, the no-go zones for tricycles included Ashmun, Front, Broad, Buchanan, Center, Gurley Randall and Roberts Streets. Other restricted streets are Carey, Clay, McDonald, Warrant, Johnson Streets and Camp Johnson Road.
While also Tricycles were only allowed in the Brewerville to Waterside, Benson Street through UN Drive to Bassa Community and stop at the University of Liberia, Matadi Estate to Jallah Town and Mechlin Street to WestPoint areas but these regulations never began least to think of remaining enforced.
Meanwhile, according to the new regulations, “Any operator caught in violation of these rules, will be issued $100.00USD ticket for traffic violation for the first time, $200.00USD for second violation while third violation will lead to Motorcycle or Tricycle, impounded and subsequent auction through the Court. All operators are asked to act in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic laws of the Republic of Liberia. Tricycles and Commercial Motorcycles are to ply the Go Zones beginning 6:00 AM to 10: PM daily. These measures take effect as of Wednesday, December 1, 2021.”
The public is also informed that, there will be massive inspection to ensure compliance on the unauthorized use of sirens, flash lights, fore-lights and other security instruments and that any vehicle seeing in the street(s) with such instruments without the approval of the Minister of Justice will be impounded and have said instruments removed.

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