By Precious D. Freeman
The Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, was yesterday awarded a certificate of honor, as the Minister of the year 2020 by an organization called The Movement for the Protection of Integrity (MOPI), for his indelible services rendered to the nation.
During the honoring program at the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, the minister said that they are working assiduously with the President and whatever they do in their respective ministries and agencies is to promote his administration, therefore the award should be given to the President.
According to him, the President is not only working for himself but for the Liberian people, and he is the man of vision who has great concerns for the nation, “adding”, so the flower should be given to him while he is alive.
Minister Kruah added that over the years there have been many programs that the ministry had tried to fulfil and are now trying to complete some of those unfinished projects as the national postal address system.
“National Postal Address system is not just a program that was engineered by the Ministry of Post; we are members of the Universal Postal Union which passed a resolution that every member stakeholder must have permanent postal address for their citizens all over the world, and we are under a resolution to make sure that it is implemented by us,” Minister Kruah explained.
He stated further that they were encouraged to make sure that the postal institution remains viable in every country, and trying to bring postal financial services into Liberia very soon.
The certificate that was presented to the minister read: ” In recognition of your indelible services/strides rendered the Liberian nation as regards to your nationalistic approach towards the transformation of Liberia’s postal services and bringing Liberia on par with other postal systems internationally as well as the rehabilitation of postal offices in the country and the implementation of the Pro-poor Agenda for development and Prosperity (PADP), including other issues associated with human resource development, the above institution deems it expedient to honor you as Minister of the Year 2020. In view of the above, we affixed our signatures on this certificate in testimonies of your great integrity being exhibited to the nation and its people.’’

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