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‘Mixed-Matched’ Judgment! …As Scott, Others Go To Prison For Life

By Precious D Freeman
Defendant Gloria Musu-Scott, along with three co-defendants has been sentenced to life imprisonment under Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie’s gavel presiding in the Criminal Court “A” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia.
Judge Willie’s decision yesterday January 9, was based on the investigative report from the probation officers of the Ministry of Justice, in connection with the former Chief Justice and her three relatives characters and behavior within the community where they lived before the death of Charloe Musu on February 22, 2023, at their Brewerville residence outside Monrovia.
The pre-sentencing hearing or investigation by the probation officers was read in open court, which stated that all of the four defendants do not have prior criminal records before the murder trial.
According to the report, the probation officer further recommended that, based on their investigative report, the court should take judicial notice while sentencing the defendants, since they do not have prior criminal records.
The investigative reports included accounts from the late Charloe’s father, Cllr. Scott’s community chairperson, and a few neighbors, who all spoke positive things about the defendants, but Judge Willie still sentenced the defendants to life imprisonment.
Recently, the court heard final arguments between the two parties of the murder trial of former Chief Justice, Gloria Musu Scott, and three other family members.
On December 21, 2023, Judge Willie announced Thursday, January 4, 2024 as the date for the sentencing and final judgement of the trial, for which the court instructed the probation officer to conduct an investigation on the four defendants and submit the report on or before January 4, 2024.
However, the Judge informed the court on Thursday, January 4, 2024 that since the jury rendered a majority guilty verdict against Cllr. Scott and three other family members on December 21, 2023, the court was yet to receive any investigative report from the probation officer, as was instructed by him.
Judge Willie said the probation officer informed the court through a telephone conversation that since he received the order on December 27, 2023, the Ministry of Justice has not been able to provide funding for him and his team to conduct an investigation on the four defendants.
The Presiding Judge of Court ‘A’ observed that the act by the Ministry of Justice to disregard his order was not just disrespectful, but also contemptuous.
In the wake of the failure by the probation officer to provide the investigative report of the defendants, Judge Willie ordered the Clerk of Court to issue a Writ of Contempt on Justice Minister, Cllr. Frank Musa Dean, and the Director of Probation, to show cause why they should not be held for Contempt of Court.
The contempt hearing was slated for Tuesday, January 5, 2024 at the Temple of Justice, beginning at 10:30 AM. Based on the absence of the investigative report and contempt hearing, final judgment in the murder trial of Cllr. Scott was rescheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 9:00 AM.
Final judgment of the murder trial should have taken place on January 4, 2024, but could not go ahead due to failure of the Ministry of Justice to provide funds for probation officers to conduct investigation on the defendants, as instructed by Judge Willie.
Defendants Gloria Musu-Scott, Ma Rebecca Wisner, Alice Johnson, and Getrude Newton stood trial for murdering Charloe Musu on February 22, 2023. They were found guilty by jurors, and have now been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Meanwhile, defense lawyers have taken exception to the Judge’s ruling and announced an appeal to the Supreme Court.

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