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Mine Ministry Employees Protest Over Salary Disparities


Several employees of the Ministry of Mines and Energy yesterday protested in the Ministry’s premises decrying salary disparity.
According to them, they have been complaining for almost two years now and there has been no redress or attention.
But following almost an hour of engagement between the protestors and ministry’s administration, talk has been scheduled for tomorrow to perhaps resolve or look into the alleged salary disparities at the Ministry.
The affected employees of the Ministry chapter of the Civil Servant Aassociation of the Liberia sent in a letter dated Thursday, May 12, 2022, informed Minister Gesler E. Murray.
In the letter, among many things, the employees stated that the matter of salary disparities is based on grade system of the Civil Service Agency (CSA) Standing Order, which they believe had been a serious subject in their Ministry (Mine and Energy).
With this, the employees continued: “We are kindly asking your office to please address the salary disparity within the Ministry based on the CSA Standing Order. It is quit unfortunate as the Civil Servant Association sees this as gross violation to the Civil Service Human Resources Policy Manual of 2013, Chapter 4, Sections 24, 25 & 26 (Chapter 1, Section 1, 2, 4 of the Standing Orders for the Civil Service).”
The employees informed Murray that the disparity in wages (salary and benefits) has eroded the value of competence and merit system noting, “It may surprise you to note that some employees with high school certificates have better wages as compared to their colleagues who are discharging the same duty but with Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Master degrees, they are earning far below the belt,” the letter signed by the employees’ head Jerry G. Zaza noted.

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