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MIND Wants Permanent
Appointment At LTA


The Movement with Integrity for National Development (MIND) is urging the President to make permanent the appointment of Edwina Crump Zackpah as head of the Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA).
The Movement said President George Weah should give due consideration to the Liberia Telecommunication Authority as this entity is one of the fundamental organs that has the potential to pilot the agenda of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) regime in line with its political mantra “Change for Hope.”
The Movement with Integrity for National Development believes that the permanent appointment of Madam Zackpah would be a valuable asset to the CDC hegemony with the telecommunication sector being that prime beneficiary.
Madam Zackpah was commissioned in September 2018, prior to serving as Director for Administration for approximately three years at the Liberia Telecommunication Corporation (LIBTELCO), 2008 to 2011.
“We encourage the chief executive to take due cognizance of Madam Zackpah work’s at the Liberian Bank for Development (LBDI) where she served as Vice President for Mortgage under the erstwhile aegis of Mr. Francis Dennis and briefly under the leadership of Mr. John B.S. Davies, III.
The Movement with Integrity for National Deployment said it holds in high esteem the competence of Madam Zackpah to preside over that sacred entity dressed by law to provide supervision over the telecommunication sector of the republic.
Meanwhile, the Movement said as acting Chairperson of the entity, she has been utilizing her competence and granting her a permanent chairpersonship, would serve as a motivating factor to the well-experienced and seasoned legacy.
MIND expressed its overwhelming support to the President Weah for his continued search and appointment of individuals with shared vision for the implementation of his government’s developmental compass, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD)) as he seeks to deliver the Liberian public from the abyss of misery to the echelon of prosperity and development.
MIND views the President’s action worthwhile and in the best interest of the state, asserting that it is a responsibility of every individual who assumes the authority to steer the affairs of the country to have a corps of officials who are patriotic and nationalistic in words and deeds to ensure that the standard of life of Liberians is improved to an appreciable standard which is in consonance with Article 54 of the 1986 Constitution.

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