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Methodist Church Launches COVID-19 Taskforce


By Bill W. Cooper
The Liberia Annual Conference (LAC) and the United Methodist Church (UMC) have officially launched its Coroavirus pandemic or COVID-19 taskforce aimed at helping the government through the fight against the virus in the country.
Officially launching the taskforce yesterday at the UMC headquarter in Monrovia, the Resident Bishop for LAC/UMC, Bishop Samuel Quire said that the launching of the taskforce is to partner with national government for the safety and wellbeing of their church members and country at large, as they were the first to suspend most their major activities ranging from the suspension of regular church services and the suspension of regular schools among others.
According to the Bishop, the Coronavirus pandemic is not virus needed to be treated lightly, as great countries around the world are said to be finding it very difficult to deal with the virus and encouraged their members to hold the constant fast and prayer at their respective homes.
Bishop Quire added that as a statement to their commitment to fight against the virus, as well as to kick it out of the country, they were in their wisdom to put together a special taskforce charged with responsibilities to draft a road map to help defeat the virus.
He averred, “This Coronavirus pandemic is real and very dangerous that affects anyone irrespective of your status, and therefore all Liberians should always keep a social distance and abide by health protocols put in place by the Ministry of Health (MoH) for the safety of all.”
Meanwhile, Bishop Quire has also reemphasized his call to all UMCs that the suspension of regular services and school activities remain in full until further notice, alluding, “No one should ever have any funeral service, wedding ceremony or anything in any of our edifice.”
Earlier, the Chairperson of the Taskforce, Dr. Muriel V. Nelson lauded the Bishop for his farsightedness for giving them the mandate to begin a rigorous awareness throughout the country. She said that as part of the mandate, they need to mobilize support in order to help all affected communities of the COVID-19n in the country.
Dr. Nelson added that the taskforce will also lace with all UMC branches and organizations throughout the length and breadth of the country in order to coordinate and supervise the various activities that will be carried out by the taskforce.
The Acting Lay-Leader, Theresa M. Davies pleaded with Bishop Quire to instruct the various UMC members to hold a nationwide fast and prayer for the country and world at large, stressing that the international community, precisely United States which has been helpful in the development and growth of the country.

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