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MBH Power Limited Announces
Successful Closure Of EU-funded Project


The energy group, MBH Power Limited, has reached a milestone with the successful completion of an EU-funded project known as the Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmissions and Distribution Project.
In 2018, the Liberian Government signed a Transmission and Distribution contract with the Delegation of the EU to Liberia, MBH Power Limited and Intec-Gopa to design and build 66KV over headlines and extension of existing 66/22/0.400KV Power Lines that will help Monrovia to absorb more electricity from the Mount Coffee Hydro Plant to be transmitted to substations on Bushrod Island, New Kru Town, Capitol Hill, Congo Town, Stockton Creek and Paynesville.
The Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmissions and Distribution Project was said to have had a 24-month duration.

A similar project was implemented under the 9th EDF for the electricity grids. Under the two programmes, the EU earmarked and invested approximately €100 million Euros into Liberia’s energy sector.
In collaboration with the EU, the National Authorizing Office (NAO) Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning monitors of the project to manage, coordinate, programme and oversee the EU-funded projects in Liberia.

One of the companies the Government of Liberia contracted through the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) is MBH Power Limited-Liberia.
MBH Power Limited is a total energy solutions’ company that provides world-class services to meet the growing demand of the power sector in emerging markets. It focuses on EPC solutions in Transmission and Distribution, Metering & Energy Audit and Turnkey solutions in Conventional & Non-Conventional Power Generation. MBH Power Limited is said to have also embarked on development of a 300 MW Independent Power Producer project in Nigeria.

MBH Power is a member of the Tolaram Group of companies and
Tolaram Group has been in business for more than 60 years and it is headquartered in Singapore with business interests in Asia, Africa and Europe. The Group trades with companies in over 75 countries.
It has a diversified portfolio consisting of Consumer Goods, Infrastructure, Energy, Digital Services and other interests which include Distribution, Financial Services, Paper Products, Real Estate and Textiles.
Foundation of company’s growth over the years is expertise and deep understanding of power industry, importance of energy and ability to translate them into socially and economically desired solutions through leading edge technology and highly skilled human resources.
MBH Power was incorporated as a Limited Company to provide premium services to energy sector of the country and commenced operations in the year 2004.

Also expanding its international footprints, established through power contracts and supplies since its inception, today MBH is spread over Nigeria, Ghana, India, Tanzania, Liberia, Niger, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Gambia, Cameroon, UAE and Singapore. With the foundation of its rich experience, MBH Power today is heading towards exploring opportunities to enlighten future generations.
MBH Power Limited Liberia is a total energy solutions company that currently provides world-class services to meet the growing demand of the power sector in emerging markets and it focuses on EPC solutions in Substation, Transmission Distribution and Metering.
They have been in Liberia and worked on the Liberia Accelerated Electricity Expanded Project (LACEEP) and LACEEP Additional Financing (AF) projects six years ago Funded by the World Bank for the Liberian People.

MBH also completed the Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmissions and Distribution Project also funded by EU for the Liberian People.
The Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution, according to the EU and the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), aims to contribute the reduction of poverty in Liberia through increased access to electricity in keeping with its plan and design.
For the first time since the Liberian conflict ended, about 41,200 homes in Monrovia and its environs have been electrified through the Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution project.
With the total cost of the project is about 61,000,000 Euros, the project has provided transmission and distribution systems, which were lacking at the time. Currently under the ‘Light up Monrovia’ Project, there are about 2,400 street lights that are installed along the major streets and communities of Monrovia.
On Friday, October 21, 2022, MBH Power Limited-Liberia held a certification ceremony of interns and issuance of provisional acceptance certificate under the Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity & Distribution – Works Contracts – Lots 1 & 2, where about 40 interns from the University of Liberia and the Stella Maris Polytechnic were certificated having worked along with trained electricians (both local and international) under “The Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution” project as ascribed under the Light up Monrovia project.
At the Bella Casa Hotel in Sinkor, Madam Stefania Marrone, First Counsellor -Head of Green Team, EU delegation to Liberia, on behalf of Ambassador Laurent Delahousse, Head of the EU Delegation to Liberia and the entire EU family, praised the MBH Power Limited-Liberia for ensuring that the Liberian government is helped to extend access to electricity, after the EU secured US$61 million to fund the programme titled: “Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmission Distribution captured under its programme: “Light Up Monrovia (LUM) Project”, to connect 41,200 new households to the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) grid in Monrovia and its environs.

According to Madam Marrone, the National Authorizing Office (NAO) Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) in partnership with the EU and in collaboration with the LEC and MBH Power Limited-Liberia, commissioned various substations and distribution sites/communities.
On behalf of the National Authorizing Office (NAO) unit at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Atty. Martus K.W. Bangalu disclosed that the project has accomplished what was designed four years ago and announced the successful closure of the Project.

Dele Shobayo, Executive Director Planning, Engineering & Major Connections proxy for LEC Board Chair, Monie Captan, on behalf of his Boss lauded the EU for its steadfast partnership to the LEC after a devastating civil crisis that ruined the fabric of Liberia. He lauded the MBH Power Limited – Liberia for the quality of work done at the various sub-stations under the Light up Monrovia project.
The Executive Director Planning, Engineering & Major Connections assured the people of Liberia of the quality of work done by MBH Power Limited – Liberia for over the life of the Project; and looks forward to continuously working with the EU and its partners in strengthening the quality and capacity of the LEC in service delivery to the Liberian people.

James Dorbor Sao, Assistant Minister for Economic Policy, MFDP, proxy of the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, acknowledged EU for being a very strong partner to the Government of Liberia in different sectors, including electricity, agriculture, energy, education among others.
He disclosed that the EU has spent more than 100 million euros to help Liberia rise from the ashes of war to a development path in different sectors. The Assistant Minister for Economic Policy disclosed that Liberia needs a lot more in terms of energy generation after the EU and other partners have funded the energy expansion and distribution in the country.

The Assistant Minister for Economic Policy then lauded the MBH Power Limited – Liberia for the good works done in the power expansion and distribution project of the LEC with funding from the EU and called for future collaboration and working together to make Liberia work again for its people.

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