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“Magisterial Courts Are Deplorable” -Chief Justice Decries


By Grace Q. Bryant
The Chief Justice, Sie- A. Nyene G. Yuoh has described the Magisterial Courts across the country as being in deplorably condition which poses serious health hazards to Magistrates, staff and party litigants.
Speaking during the official opening of the March term of Court, her Honor admitted that while assessing the condition of Magisterial Courts and Evaluating the Performance of Magistrates and their Staff through taking a strategic tour in Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Bomi, Gbarpolu, and Grand Cape Mount Counties as she observed the various courts to be in a deplorable condition.
She said that the deplorable condition of the Magisterial Courts poses serious health hazards for the Magistrates, staff and party litigants, and that does not represent the image of judiciary or the government.
Justice Youh also mentioned that some of the Magisterial Courts are housed in dilapidated, burnt or incomplete structures or squatting on the porch of private homes to conduct business of the courts.
“Given these harsh working conditions, we must applaud and commend these Magistrates, and as National Government; we commit ourselves to alleviate such extreme hardship and embarrassment facing this coordinate branch of Government, the Judiciary,” Her Honor expressed.
She explained further that under her watch there is a prepared proto-type or architectural plan for the construction of modernized Magisterial Courts to replace the afore described structures which were built under the UNMIL quick impact project.
The Chief Justice noted that the UNMIL quick impact project was a program designed to give immediate but temporary relief to the Judiciary at the time the country was recovering from its civil crises particularly our rural inhabitants.
She mentioned that after 18 consecutive years of peace and tranquility coupled with the elections of Constitutional Governments, it is time now that these structures of the Magisterial Courts be improved and elevated beyond the quick impact stage to one that represents a National Government with a functioning judiciary in every respect.
“Our proposed Modernized Magisterial Courts will contain the following but not limited; one large court-room for the Stipendiary Magistrates, two smaller court rooms for the Associate Magistrates, one Stipendiary Magistrate Chambers with a bathroom; two Chambers for the two Associate Magistrates, one Associate Magistrate bathroom, two general bathrooms, Clerk office, Filing clerk office and filing room, records rooms, public defenders’ office, City Solicitor ‘s office, and two withholding cells with bathrooms,” Chief Justice Yuoh disclosed.
During the Chief Justice’s deliberation, she prayed to see a stronger coordination between and among the three Branches of Government with regards to the establishment of Magisterial Courts and the appointment of Magistrates in order to create efficient Magisterial services especially in rural Liberia.
“As elections draw closer, let it be known that this Bench will only be moved by strong and convincing evidence and not political ideologies,” she cautioned.

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