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LRA Prepares To Power Revenue Collection Nationwide …Gets 50 Starlink Satellite Terminals


The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) says it is at a significant milestone in its digital transformation journey with the receipt of 50 Starlink satellite terminals.
With funding from the International Development Association (IDA) and the Government of Sweden, through the Public Financial Management Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project (PFMRISP), this equipment is valued at approximately US$162,000 (or 149,400 Euros).
Marking a significant leap forward in enhancing internet access for Tax Business Offices (TBOs) and Customs Business Offices (CBOs) across Liberia, including rural areas previously challenged by limited internet connectivity, the introduction of Starlink, a cutting-edge satellite internet service provider, will enhance internet connectivity at LRA offices nationwide.
This initiative is crucial to the LRA’s strategic plan of leveraging digital technology to enhance revenue collection, providing real-time access to performance data in rural areas, and bolstering transparency, accountability, and reporting processes.
LRA Commissioner General James Dorbor Jallah has expressed deep gratitude to the World Bank and all partners, acknowledging the invaluable support that has made this vision a reality.
“This initiative is pivotal in rolling out the Liberia Integrated Tax Administration System (LITAS) and Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) at all our tax business offices and customs posts across the country. Achieving our annual revenue goal of reaching billions requires bold and intentional steps, and this Starlink installation is a critical one,” he said.
He added, “When we talk about taking our annual revenue envelope to the billion, it requires concrete and intentional actions, and this is just one of them.”
The granting of Starlink/SpaceX a one-year provisional license to operate in Liberia has presented the LRA a remarkable opportunity to further expand the digitization of revenue collection across the nation.
As the LRA embarks on this irreversible trajectory towards digital technology, it is poised to simplify revenue collection processes, close leakages, and ultimately boost domestic revenue collection towards the billion-dollar mark.

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