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LPP Elect Standard-Bearer In Gbarnga Today


Over hundred delegates of the Liberian People’s Party (LPP) inclusive of national executive committee members, county congresses and auxiliaries countrywide converged in Gbarnga, Bong County, since yesterday (Thursday), 15 to Saturday, 17 September to elect standard-bearer.
Madam Ruth Hall, Chairperson of the party’s third national nominating convention has revealed that the committee has at this point received a single entry or letter of intent for the standard-bearer position.
She named partisan Tiawan Saye Gongloe as the lone candidate for the party’s torch-bearer post.
Hall further disclosed that besides Gongloe is the lone applicant ahead of today (Friday) convention in Gbarnga for the party’s torch-bearer ship there has been nobody else so far.
She stated among other things that the Gbarnga’s gathering is purposely meant to elect LPP’s standard-bearer for the pending presidential and legislative elections in 2023.
She clarified that election for the other positions including the Vice President will be held at a later date.
The convention chairperson highlighted the euphoria of their gathering stressing that party’s stalwarts are in high spirit.

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