The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

LPDP Demands Apology From PYJ

The Liberia People Democratic Party (LPDP) is calling on former Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia (INPFL), leader turned Evangelist, Senator Prince Yormie Johnson, including former generals of postwar Liberia, to apologize to the Liberian people for threatening the peace and stability of the country, under the assumption and presumption that the elections might be rigged. 

Such statements by them have the proclivity to instill fear in the people of Liberia and remind them of the 14 years of senseless war, which led to the untimely deaths of close to 350,000 Liberians and other foreign residents in the country. Being who they were during the civil war in Liberia, their statements are intended to intimidate voters towards forced undemocratic choices, for fear of experiencing genocides and the perpetration of war crimes in the country once again. By their statements, the stalwarts of Unity Party and the Party itself have instituted the process of emotionally and psychologically rigging the elections before October 10.

The LPDP believes Unity Party and their war drummers should seek redemption for actions between 1985 and 1988, which led to two invasions of Liberia and caused the gruesome killings in Liberia and destructions to public and private properties for 14 years; thus pushing Liberia behind in terms of political, social, and economic development by 150 years. Instead of reinventing the wheels of carnage, the UP and collaborators should champion a peaceful democratic disposition and join post-elections development to regain the people’s trust if they are defeated.

As a member of the Coalition for Democratic Change, the LPDP is committed to President Weah’s agenda for peace, stability, and democracy in Liberia, as exemplified in by-elections which the opposition then claimed would have been rigged, but eventually turned out to be free and fair in their favor. It is immoral and value-eroding to the democratic records of the UP and other opposition parties to always apply such negative and imaginative strategy, intended to cast doubts on the electoral process and create post elections conflicts, especially recalling the Unity Party’s history of post elections violence and tendency to destabilize the Country when they lost elections.

We are calling on Liberians to freely vote their choice of leadership of the country and not to allow themselves to be intimidated into making a choice that will lead to the squandering of their opportunities once again. Since the ascendancy of the Coalition for Democratic Change to national governance, the opposition has been carrying on activities to paralyze the Government and insurrect the nation. By the grace of God, Liberians were spared of engaging into another civil war because of the democratic credentials of the President and his inclinations towards peace, harmony, and development.

President George Manneh Weah has demonstrated his ability to withstand adversities and prevail in his agenda for the Nation and we think he should be given another six years to lead the nation into prosperity and middle class income.

Amidst all campaigns internationally by the opposition to block investments and impose sanctions on the Government of President Weah, Liberia has experienced unprecedented development and poor communities which were left out in the development agenda of the Unity Party-led Government for 12 years have breathed the air of relief for the first time, including parents, students, and children whose lives have been impacted positively by the quality of decisions made by the President, as promised in his inaugural address.

Conclusively, we call on all peace-loving Liberians and the Council of Churches, whose members are involved in threats of war, to condemn the campaigners of post elections violence and nip them in the bud while there is still time. 

May God bless Liberia and save the State.

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