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LNP Graduates Joint Security
Diplomatic Crowd Control Officers


The Liberia National Police in collaboration with the French Government have graduated a third batch of Diplomatic Crowd Control Officers at the Liberia National Police Academy and Training Schools (LNPATS).
The training was a French sponsored program ranging from September 19-30, 2022 comprising of 170 Joint Security Officers.
Speaking during the closing ceremony as proxy of the French Ambassador Roux Michael, the Deputy Head of Mission, Hervé Goudal, appreciated the participation of the graduates and their Instructors during the democratic crowd management, especially during this rainy season.
Mr. Goudal reaffirmed a statement made by the French Ambassador last year on Liberia’s democratic state adding; “The right to demonstrate is an essential political freedom, an element of the freedom of expression, which makes democracy, but must remain a peaceful expression of demands, in respect of the rights of others,”
He further reminded all CRS Class 3 officers to remain disciplined while allowing fair democratic expression and guaranteeing public order to citizens.
For his part, the Inspector General of Police, Patrick T. Sudue emphasized on the delicacy of handling crowd control which requires strength, patience and cleverness.
He again thanked the Instructional Staff, the Ambassador and the French Government for their continuous support in the capacity building of Liberia’s Law Enforcement personnel.
Sudue also congratulated the delegation (Major Philippe Le Marre and Brigadier Chef Roland Defit) of the Republican Security Companies formerly Compagnie Républicainé de Sécurite (CRS) from the French national Police for delivering this training.
Meanwhile, Sup. Malachi S. Kolubah, Sgt. Joseph T. Yillia and Sgt. Samuel Cole Tarr were recommended for an advanced training in Paris, France for their discipline and special performance exhibited.
The program was attended by the Director General of the LDEA, Marcus D. Zehyoue, DIGP for Training and Manpower Development, Atty. Sabastian Farr, Proxy to the LIS boss, Danny B. Sartee, etc and family members of the graduates.

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