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LLA Conducts Land Use Training In Margibi


The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) through the Land Use and Management Department is conducting a two-day regional training workshop in Kakata, Margibi County.

The training under the Theme: “Capacity Building at National, Regional and Local levels,” is being conducted with support from the Inclusive Land Administration and Land Offices and Land Use Management Project (ILAMP) implemented by Lantmateriet.

The training title “Advancing Sustainable Urbanism and Rural Development through Land Use Planning and Management” brings together stakeholders from various sectors involved in urban and rural planning activities including city mayors and superintendents.

Others are Customary Land Development and Management Committees (CLDMCs), members of the Civil Society Organizations, Liberia Land Authority’s County land offices, and the Land Use and Management Headquarters staff was held from Monday, March 13 and is expected to end today, March 14, 2023.

 The workshop is intended to educate participants on four legal instruments that were developed by the LLA and they include: The National Land Use and Management Policy; Urban Zoning of (land uses) Regulations; Participatory Land Use Planning Guidelines; and the Framework for Rural Land Use Regulations.

Those instruments will be used to regulate the location and uses of land; the nature and the extent of the uses in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting health; safety, sustainability and general welfare of the cities and the rural communities within Liberia.

The training will enhance participants’ knowledge on rural and urban land use management and planning activities in cities as well as rural communities.

Speaking during the opening of the workshop, Kakata City Mayor Emmanuel Goll thanked the LLA and the participants for their presence urging them to utilize the importance of the workshop which shall enable them understand that land is life.

Deputizing for Margibi County’s Superintendent, Jerry Varney, his Administrative Assistant, D. Koboi Weedor also praised LLA and its international partners for the continued public education on the importance of land.

He stated that by conducting training in various parts of the country; the importance and use of the land would help to alleviate land conflict that has become the order of the day.

LLA’s Commissioner for Land Use and Management Department, Ellen O. Pratt, thanked the participants from Lofa, Bong and host Margibi for their presence and hoped that the two-day workshop would impact them.

She said that the exercise started last year with 101 participants, but this year, they are 201 which calls for more interactive forum because everyone came to the workshop to learn and acquire knowledge-sharing as no single person knows it all.

Pratt then urged the participants to take ownership of the workshop for the betterment of their communities and not only limited to themselves.

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