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LISGIS Launches Statistical Report Project Awareness
…As UL Set To Offer BSc In Statistics


By Bill W. Cooper
Ahead of the conduct of the National Housing and Population Census, the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Service (LISGIS) has launched its massive Dissemination Awareness on Statistical Report for the first-time since the establishment of the entity.
The launching of the report which is under the theme: “Sharing Relevant and Quality Statistics on a Timely Basis” is a US$114,000 project, from the World Bank, under its Harmonizing and Improving Statistics in West Africa (HISWA) project.
Accordingly, the launch will cover series of survey conducted by LISGIS across the country ranging from Agriculture projection survey, child friendly survey, comprehensive food security survey, and consumer price index (CPI).
Others are the Forest sector survey, external trade, the 2017 national account survey, 2019/2020 Liberia Demographic and Health survey and 2022 National Housing and Population Census pre-test results among others.
Giving the background of the Dissemination Awareness, LISGIS Deputy Director General for Information and Coordination, Wilmot F. Smith noted that the surveys and data collected by LISGIS can go a very long way aimed at enhancing the development and forward march of Liberia.
He explained that the launch of the Dissemination Awareness and Statistical Report will also be preceded in the coming weeks by a massive awareness in the 15 counties across the country intended to educate Liberians about the statistical programs.
According to him, the lack of cooperation from various governments’ institutions was seriously impeding its function, thereby calling for concerted effort to ensure the success of LISGIS for the common good and benefits for Liberia and its people.
He added that as part of its Dissemination Awareness and Statistical Report activities, LISGIS will also hold five regional interactive workshops for data users from government’s ministries, agencies and autonomous commissions, as well as local and international organizations, academia, researchers, students, media and the private sector.
“Region one will include Lofa, Bong and Nimba Counties and that will be held in Gbarnga, Bong County; while Montserrado, Margibi and Grand Bassa Counties will make up region two with the gathering set for Bentol, Monrovia, Montserrado County,” Mr. Smith outlined.
Additionally, the LISGIS Deputy Boss furthered, “Region three includes Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu and Bomi Counties and will be held in Tubmanburg, Bomi County; and River Gee, Grand Gedeh and Maryland Counties are in region four to be held in Fish Town, River Gee County. Notably, Sinoe, River Cess and Grand Kru Counties are in region five, which will be held in Barclayville, Grand Kru County.”
Meanwhile, the president of the University of Liberia (UL), Dr. Julius S. Nelson at the launch assured and pledged the UL’s fullest partnership with LISGIS aimed at developing the capacity of the entity with reference to statistics.
He said the University under his leadership will continue to work along with LISGIS and partners in every direction to enable the institution move forward, emphasizing that in the 2021/2022 academic program; the UL will be offering Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics.
He added that the country’s development will remain elusive in the absence of the relevant and necessary statistics that will inform the development needs of the Liberia and its grater population.

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