The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

LINU Gets Huge Endorsement From Business Community

Hundreds of business people under the banner called National United Bakers, Chefs and Allied Workers Union of Liberia, have endorsed the presidential bid of the standard bearer of Liberian National Union (LINU) Clarence Moniba.

Speaking at the National Headquarters of LINU in Sinkor, the Vice president of the National United Bakers, Chefs and Allied Workers Union, Patrick Chea, presenting the petition, said the team was honored to pledge its support to Moniba and Vice Running mate, Grace Kpan, in the upcoming October 10 Elections,  in order to see a new Liberia being built, and the lives of the people transformed from poverty to stability, through good governance, accountability and efficiency, virtues they believe Mr. Moniba possesses.

Speaking on behalf of the Union in the fifteen counties, Chea said they are committed to supporting the presidential bid of the LINU Standard Bearer to the end. 

According to Chea, the Union is a complete circle of the down trodden from all works of life, being represented in the fifteen counties of Liberia.  

For his part, the presidential hopeful, Moniba, said there is still hope for the lives of Liberians to be transformed.

He said it is frustrating to see Liberians being backward in agriculture, health, education, as well as every other aspect of society.

According to the LINU Leader, it is incumbent on every Liberian to commit and fight for development, to make Liberia a great country, and this should not be one person’s business, but a collective effort, a charge he is ready to lead.

Mr. Moniba averred that the future that Liberia is looking for is not ten or more years from now, but rather, it is today.

 He said gone are those days where children sit on the floor to learn, with no good food growing in Liberia, no medication in the hospitals, among other vices and ills in society.

 He however promise to transform this country into the Liberia that everyone envisages, if elected. According to him, the fifteen counties would take the responsibility to grow a particular food that would sustain the citizens in Liberia, instead of importing from other countries.

Regarding the educational sector, he added that the days of people graduating high school but barely knowing how to read or compose because of the lack of good instructors, would be a thing of the past, as there would be adequately qualified instructors, as well as accessories like computers and other educational materials.

The presidential aspirant also emphasized the importance of vocational training to help young people acquire valuable skills, instead of limiting them to high school diplomas, a practice he would also focus on if he is elected President.

He is encouraging all Liberians not to vote for popularity or sentiments, but qualification, which would make them to live up to their potentials.

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