Liberia international tax specialist and member of the international Fiscal Association (IFA), Rufus B. Senyon, has arrived in the country after earning a Master Degree in Comparative and International Tax Law (LLM) at the Uppsala University in Sweden.
Speaking during his arrival Mr. Senyon mentioned that he hopes to see Liberia rise to the occasion of having a strong tax policy and a sophisticated tax governance system that will help to improve the living standard of the citizens.
He wished that the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) and the Fiscal Policy arm of government at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) will see him as partner because he is more than ready to serve his country by providing his expertise in helping to develop a strong and feasible tax reform policy.
The Liberia international tax lawyer served as delegate at the 74th Congress of the International Fiscal Association held in Berlin, Germany, from September 4-8, 2022.
At the Congress, legal academics, government officials and tax Specialists converged to discuss the international tax questions relative to finding solutions to internationalization of tax rules.
This is because due to the changes in the global market and economic trends, tax rules are changing and widening.
Insofar as tax law concerns substantive rules and principles of tax collection and the financing of the public sector, Pillar one and two, group approach and separate entity approach in domestic and international tax law were the nexus of the arguments.
In 2021, Senyon garnered the courage to brave the storms on an educational odyssey to study in Sweden Master of Laws in International and EU Tax Law at Uppsala University with the principal aim of acquiring a master in his career to contribute meaningfully to the formulation of tax policies including legal rules in defining the obligations and rights of individuals, companies and others and the protection of national income bases.
“Despite being a journey of fear and uncertainty, it was worth the try and later turn out to be fruitful and rewarding after applying determination and enthusiasm. I am motivated and cheery to safely return home with ability and knowledge to serve my country,” Mr. Senyon said with gratitude.
“My motivation stems from the fact that situations are always blurry and full of apprehension but the future is visualization to overcome the apparent insurmountable obstacles,” he stated.