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Liberia’s Second Oldest Centenarian Nets 158 Years Happy Birthday, Old Man Chor Kanyea! By Kpakae L. Roberts, Proponent, Longevity Research Program for Centenarians in the Republic of Liberia Cell#: 0770279609/0881098315


In 2015 and 2016, both the Inquirer and Daily Observer Newspapers Reported the discovery of very old Liberians named Klayonoh Bleorplue, Duo Zeah and Chor Kanyea. Just exactly how old was a matter of debate. They claimed to have been born in the reign of the second, third or fourth. president of the Republic of Liberia. Their discoveries were revealed by the Longevity Research, Program a group of researchers, whose proponent is the author of this article you’re now reading.

A few Liberian chieves and elders believing the Centenarians had really forgotten their birthdays, but could remember the names of the president in whose reign they were born, went to work to figure out the truth.
Later, when the Longevity Researchers returned to the chiefs and elders in Grand Gedeh and Nimba Counties, they supposedly attest to the Centenarians as they claimed. It was there that the proponent related the information, reporting to the Inquirer and Daily Observer that many of the neighborhood swore that the Centenarians had spent time with their grandfathers and that they also had been very old men even then. These Centenarians were actually 153,155, and 156 years old, respectively.

The only undisputed fact about these Centenarian’s lives is the date of their death. The rest of their stories are pastiche of legends, rumors, and tall tales cobbled together from shadowy sources.

Now, let’s take a close look at Centenarian Chor Kanyea, one of Liberia’s oldest-living Centenarian’s daily routine. He’s a Blue Zone inhabitant in the Republic of Liberia. As it is known, there are Five Blue Zones, so far, that have been confirmed. Liberia or Africa is not yet considered a Blue Zone or geographic area with high concentrations of the world’s longest-lived people.

But thanks to the Liberian Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially the Chief of Protocol’s office, headed by Ambassador, Reverend Javis A. Witherspoon, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also special thanks to the Montserrado County Superintendent, Honorable Brownell for providing office space for the Longevity Research Program at her Bentol City Administration Building, who have permitted us to spend our time from 2015-2020) traveling to the healthiest corners of the Republic of Liberia to unearth the secrets of our inhabitants who are long-living. This is, indeed, a notable exception to the rule that people in developing countries have shorter life span than those in developed ones.

Centenarian Chor Kanyea is still alive, safe and sound. The jury is still out on the immutability of our DNA. One scientific camp says we are slaves to it; the other, that our environment can modify it. But my dear reader, one thing is certain: In order to stay healthy, we need to pay attention to what our genetic inheritance predicts and respond accordingly. For instance, if high blood pressure runs in your family, eat a low-fat, low-sodium diet, or when a medical condition becomes life threatening, you need to immediately change your diet and lifestyle.

These historical precedents need not doom us, however. Taking good care of your health may prevent whatever genetic possibilities seem to be store from ever developing. You may not be able to control the genetic mutations you’ve received from your parents, but evidence increasingly shows that you can reduce the risks they pose. If there’s one secret you really haven’t share in, this is the secret that has kept Centenarian Chor Kanyea, the long-living Centenarian of our time in the Republic of Liberia, West Africa, alive, safe and mentally alert.

To understand some of the reasons why Chor Kanyea is living healthier, longer life is that: he tends to have diets high in nutrients such as red rice, corn, beans, and fruits. All these staple foods in Centenarian Chor Kanyea’s diet have a benefit. They are all packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.

As Longevity Research Program researchers, we have come to realize that the role of such important factors as diet in preventing and treating diseases has long been obscured by the emphasis on the conquest of diseases through the miracles of modern medicine. We have realized that the conquest of diseases can never be solved merely by more and more medical care.

The Longevity Researchers in Liberia have learned that the greatest medical discovery of our time is the awesome power within human body to heal and rejuvenate itself! This tremendous discovery has changed the way we are practicing medicine.

Currently, Longevity Researchers in Liberia are striving to feed and enhance the Centenarian and other older age groups such as the octogenarian and nonagenarian body’s amazing power to self-heal by use of proper diet and lifestyle along with exercise.

Now that the Longevity Researchers believe that nutrition can prevent disease (even old age) and is practically useful in treating it, they have thoughtfully considered adhering to the Enzyme Nutrition Axiom to deal with most of human physical problems that are caused by improper diet and lifestyle. They have also learned according to scientific proof that: diet is the single most powerful tool for the treatment and prevention of disease. More powerful than drugs; more powerful than surgery; more powerful than anything in the Doctor’s bag.

As proponent of the Longevity Research Program, I’m now studying more on diet and drainage rather than studying germs.

Despite his inactive day, Centenarian Chor Kanyea considers Porkor Town to be a very relaxed place compared with bigger Grand Gedeh Cities like Zwedru or Liberia’s Capital – Monrovia. While in his inactive days, stress is a well-established killer that he’s aware of, so he avoids it by staying busy on his farm and at times set some traps to help decrease his incidences of sickness and prolong his life.

Happy Birth Anniversary, Centenarian Chor Kanyea!

Live Your Life, Yaa!!!

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