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Liberians In Diaspora Hail Weah For Dual Citizenship Issue


Liberians in the Diaspora, represented by The All-Liberian Conference on Dual Citizenship (ALCOD), extend heartfelt gratitude and grateful appreciation for the indispensable role President George Weah played in advocating for Proposition One (Dual Citizenship) in the just ended December 8th, 2020 Senatorial Elections and National Referendum.
In a press release, the grou; ssid, the President “singularly championed the aspirations of over 500,000 Diaspora Liberians. We remain indebted to him for his bold and measured leadership on dual citizenship for natural born Liberians. It is no gainsaying that we feel strongly bounded by blood to our ancestral homeland and are unequivocal about maintaining our Liberian citizenship.”
The group noted that although the Dual Citizenship Proposition (Proposition One) did not meet the required votes to pass in the referendum, it takes solace in the fact that the referendum and the just ended mid-term senatorial elections were independently administered by the National Elections Commission (NEC) without interference and coercion from the Executive Branch of government. The results from the referendum and the senatorial election truly reflected the citizens’ votes, and this is a remarkable accomplishment for our young democracy and advocacy for Dual Citizenship under his leadership. We wholeheartedly commend him for demonstrating this level of commitment to our democratic process.

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