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Liberian Actress Elected Young Adult Fellowship President


Mrs. Felecia J.W. Dorbor is the new president of the Young Adults Fellowship (YAF) at the Stephen Trowen Nagbe United Methodist Church in Sinkor.
Madam Dorbor who has also featured in two different movies was inaugurated after the Church’s Sunday Service on December 3, 2023.
Mrs. Dorbor is an actress and member of the Liberia Movie Union (LIMU), now headed by Mr. Eddie Mantu Gibson. She joined LIMU in 2018, during the presidency of Mr. Gregory Artus Frank (201-2018)
In LIMU, her first position was National Actors Guild Chair; her current position is National Special Project Chair.
Mrs. Dorbor joined the Stephen Trowen Nagbe United Methodist Church in 2006. A short time later, she joined the Church’s Young Adults Fellowship. Her first position was Local Vice President for Fellowship, followed by her being a Sunday School Teacher for children in the Church during Service. Her current position is Lay Delegate to the Monrovia Conference of the Church.
“My generosity to the entire Church and my prompt execution of tasks the Church’s Council assigned to me are the two main factors that caused my being elected as President of the Young Adults Fellowship,” she said to this writer during interview. She was the only presidential candidate, Mrs. Dorbor added during interview by this writer.
In the new YAF leadership, the president will be assisted by Michael F. Jasper, Vice President; Boimah Johnson, Secretary; Bernice Sorboti, Secretary; and Daiwhea S. Page, Treasurer.

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