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Liberia Pledges To Protect Children’s Rights, Ensure Education


President George Manneh Weah has committed Liberia to the elimination of the worst forms of child labor.
The Liberian leader noted that this commitment is shown through the achievements that have been made towards the elimination of child labor in the country.

He said the government has ratified and domesticated the two ILO Conventions; Convention #138 which is Minimum Age for Employment and Convention # 182, which calls for the prohibition of the worst forms of child labor.

Additionally, the government through the Ministry of Labour has developed and endorsed the Hazardous and Light Work Lists for children in Liberia, and has also drafted a law on child labor issues that Would serve as a deterrent to violators.

The President recounted that International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the First World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) in June 2002 under the theme “A Future without Child Labour” as a way to highlight the plight of these children. The day, which is observed on June 12 of each year, is intended to serve as a catalyst for the growing worldwide movement against child labor, reflected in the huge number of ratifications of ILO Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor and ILO Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for employment.

He said, the government recognizes the worst forms of child labor and other hazardous work done by children deprive them of their dignity, rights to education, health well-being and protection.

As emphasized in the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), it is clear that through relevant line Ministries such as, the ministry of Labour, Education, Youth and Sports, Gender, children and Social Protection and health, in partnership with the ILO, and other relevant humanitarian agencies, the Government of Liberia can achieve her objectives in the fight against child labor.

In conclusion, the President called on all of the relevant actors and stakeholders to coordinate efforts and mobilize the needed resources, and with the support of the public, to ensure that no child is a victim of child labor or involved into hazardous work.

The Ministry of Labour Liberia takes great pride in commemorating the World Day Against Child Labor, a global initiative aimed at eradicating hazardous child labor and safeguarding the rights of children across Liberia. This momentous occasion serves as a clarion call to action, uniting governments, organizations, communities, parents, and individuals in an unwavering commitment to protect the welfare of children, ensure their access to quality education, and foster a brighter future for Liberia.

The celebrations which took place on Monday, June 12, 2023, at the Ministry of Labour brought together Line Ministries of Government, the US Embassy, Winrock International, the International Labour Organization (ILO), students, Local and international organizations in the fight against child labor.

The event organized by the Ministry of Labour and partners was held under the Global Theme: “Week of Action Against Child Labor” and National Theme: Rescue Children from Street Selling and Vulnerability”.
Servicing as Keynote Speaker, Maminah Gorlon-Carr Gaye, Assistant Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection said that child labor remains a global threat to the future and livelihood of children, and that it prevents children from realizing their full potential.

According to the Assist. Gender Minister, children are not just objects who belong to their parent and for whom decision are made, or adults in training rather they human beings and individuals with their rights.
Providing findings of report on the worst forms of child labor in Liberia in 2021 indicated that about 78.45% of Liberian children between ages of 5-14 years are engaged in agriculture, 17.4% in services while 4.2% are in the industrial areas.

She said that child labor has been one the major problems that the Government of Liberia has tackle, and children who be in school are forced to labour for their families.
Assist. Minister Gaye however emphasized that the report also says that Liberia made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst form of child labour.

Giving a special remark, the Minister of Labour Cllr. Charles H Gibson reaffirms the Government of Liberia commitment towards the elimination of child labor, providing every child with the chance to enjoy their childhood, learn, and become better leaders for tomorrow.

He informed the gathering that the government of Liberia and its partners have set up three safe-homes in the country and that one of the three will be used to keep children that will be seen in the streets selling.

According to Minister Gibson, about 286 communities have been identified in Montserrado County to provide awareness and education on the kind of work a child should do.

He further explained that every child in Liberia is paramount to the government and as such, the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Labour has established three safe homes, and one of those homes will be used to keep children that will be trafficked or see them doing hazardous jobs.

Minister has announced that his Ministry will soon launch a massive inspection exercise of all entertainment and business centers across to identify where children are preforming child labour and engage elicit activities such as, smoking, drinking and taking in other substances.

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