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Liberia Joins Other Nations To Celebrate World Day Against Child Labor


The Government of Liberia through Ministry of Labor and National Commission on Child Labor on Friday, June 12, 2020 joined other countries around to celebrate “World Day Against Child Labor”.

June 12 of each year is celebrated as World Day Against Child Labor by member states of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The Goal Theme for this year’s celebration is “Covid-19: Protect Children from Child Labor Now More Than Ever”. While the National Theme is: Amidst Covid-19 “Protect Children from Child Labor Now and Afterwards”.

In observance of the Day, Ministry of Labor in collaboration with National Commission held a media interaction with major media institutions in Liberia at the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town, Monrovia.

Presenting a special statement on behalf of the Labor Minister, Chief Moses Y. Kollie, Deputy Labor Minister for Planning and Manpower Development, Atty. Phil T. Dixon said that Liberia, like countries around the world has not eliminated child labor. He said child labor is present in different forms on farms, in small industries, on the streets and in homes.

The Deputy Labor Minister noted that various policy and practical steps have been taken to combat child labor including the endorsement, through the President’s office of the Costed National Action Plan on Child Labor to govern action during the period 2018-2030 and the validation of the hazardous work list.

“These are aspirational documents, informing us of what is required to reduce child labor by half at the end of the period. These have been complimented by enforcement through the Child Labor Division and Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labor, the Children’s Division at the Ministry of Gender, other divisions of key line ministries and intervention by humanitarian organizations, particularly those from the Liberia Child Rights NGOs Coalition and the Child Protection Network.”

He said to further strengthen capacity, members of the team responding to child labor have been to several international training and experience sharing events: the ECOWAS Policy on Social Protection, Social Security and Insurance held in Abuja, Nigeria; and the International Visiting Leaders Program on Forced Labor, Child Labor and Trafficking hosted by the US State Department in various states of the United States.

Deputy Minister Dixon added that increased sensitization activities such as, media events, distribution of fliers and talk shows have contributed to a net reduction of the worst forms of child labor and encouraged the use of the hotline “2883” to report abuses against children noting that “all calls are free”.

Speaking of the impact of Covid-19 on Child Labor in Liberia, Atty. Dixon said “It is possible to see the impact of Covid-19 on child labor by simply taking a walk on the streets of Monrovia. Children are seen selling masks at major junctions, yet they do not wear these masks. That is dangerous to them. We believe this should be stopped. Our staff have also not been fully in their numbers, so implementation might have been less than ideal. We want to make it clear going forward and as we return to full strength, the Ministry will robustly police the rate at which children return to developmentally appropriate activities, including school and play upon the return of normalcy of the end of the pandemic, whichever comes sooner.”

He further noted that in order to protect household income, the Ministry has resumed its disputes resolution roles. “We will welcome the media, and you can take a walk through our hearing halls to see how the strive for labor justice is being conducted even as we blend it with the fight against covid-19.”

“Again, as Liberia joins the world in observance of this year’s World Day Against Child Labor, we like to appreciate all partners who have supported and continue to support the efforts of the Government of Liberia in fighting child labor. Let us protect children from child labor, now and afterwards” he concluded.

Also, National Coordinator of the National Commission on Child Labor and Director of Child Labor Division of the Ministry of Labor, Madam Patience Heah thanked members of the Commission for their support in the fight against child labor.

She used the occasion to call on partners and guardians as well as school administrator to join the fight against child labor and its worst forms.

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